Sunday, January 3, 2010

"Wipe Cereal"

After many knock down drag out fights about our childrens nutrition and diet, Sean and I have sort of come to an agreement. Well, we agree to meet in the middle on somethings and then he just turns a blind eye on others or shakes his head. I do admit that I cave and give them junk food alot but believe me sometimes that's in everyones best interest!

We agreed that we would not buy sugar cereals for the kids. Sean grew up on puffed wheat and plain cheerios. Honey nut were a treat in his house. I got a box of frosted mini wheats one day and he approved it for the house. Sooooo now we have boxes of the "Wipe Cereal" as Aidan calls it on hand at all times. Hey it's got tons of fiber, right?!

Clare comes in the kitchen the other day and says to me, "Aidan and me want some of that cheese cereal." I say, "WHAT?!" She says, "You know the cereal with the white cheese on it." As my stomach turns imagining that, I say, "That's not cheese Clare it's SUGAR."

What a knuckle head!

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