Sunday, January 24, 2010

Some help from ABOVE

So today was our 3rd (count it, 3rd) weekend in a row (whoop whoop) going to mass. The kids are getting the schedule down pat so maybe by the 3oth weekend in a row they will actually BEHAVE in mass! But for now we take what we can get. We don't bring snacks or drinks but we do bring coloring books, crayons, ninja turtles and books. They are pretty decent but not great.

This morning Sean was with us again so we were early... well 7:55. Father Barr was standing in the back of church when as we were rushing in. He stopped us and said, "Now who do we have here?" Sean dutifully (since we answer this question weekly) said, "Clare and Aidan" to which Aidan scowls. Father Barr quickly responds, "Oh yes, the last time I saw Aidan he wasn't very happy either." We give our partially amused, partially ashamed, giggles and head to our pew. After the procession, Father Barr addresses the congregation.

"Good Morning. I usually like to begin with a little overview of what I'd like you to reflect on from the readings this week. However, today we have a 3 year old named AIDAN who is in need of your help. He's not very happy to be here so I ask you all to help him and pray for him that he makes it through mass. Because if he does we've got donuts in the back after mass for him."

Sean and I (mortified) kind of hehehehe and pat Aidan on the head while the entire congregation is looking around for this particular "3 year old". Lucky for us he's as big as a 5 year old so maybe no one noticed him?!

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