Saturday, January 9, 2010

A piece of history

We spent Christmas in NY this year (well last year technically) and while we were there we decided to check out this carpet store that my Mom told us about to see if we could find a rug for our living room. So the day after Christmas Sean, Clare and I went up to the carpet store and picked out a really cool new rug.

Side note: Sean and I don't really like to dilly dally when making decisions like purchasing a rug, couch, car, lawnmower, etc. We are pretty much instant gratification people. Plus the fact that, after several years of being with Sean, I know that if it the decision isn't made within the first 30 minutes, he's going to just bag it and go home. Which in this case would leave me rugless in my living room for another year or so.

On the way back to my parents house we were talking about our new purchase and how now all we need is a new coffee table. I said "Oh my parents have their old one in the attic at the house and they aren't going to use it." When we got back I asked my Dad because he actually MADE this table before Maureen and I were born. It used to be in our "den" growing up and then spent many years out in the garage collecting dust. My Dad said, "It needs a little TLC but if you want it, it's yours." Now to some, maybe even most people, this table is in need of a little TLC. It's gotten a lot of scratches and dents over the years. But that's what makes it unique and tells it's story, so we love it even more the way it is.

The table is a pretty standard coffee table in size. BUT, it's got a shelf under it that as kids we used to lay on, set up little people houses on, color in coloring books on, probably run cars on too. The other night I was walking through the house and Aidan was laying on the shelf watching Ninja Turtles on tv. I had to stop, take a mental picture and laugh! (I wish I could have found my camera at that moment.) That was exactly why I wanted this table to share a piece of my childhood fun with my kids. Someday when they are a little older I'll tell them all my stories but for now I feel like this is a small link into my past and a small piece to their future.

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