Monday, January 18, 2010

"The white treat"

Sean had to work all weekend this weekend. He left the house at noon on Saturday and we pretty much didn't see him until about 5 on Sunday evening.

So Sunday morning I took the kids to mass solo. We had to sit in the second row from the front since we got there kind of late and all the back seats were taken. One time months ago when we were at mass I had both Aidan and Clare with me when I went up to receive communion. The priest leaned down and blessed Aidan and Clare. To that Aidan responded, "Can I have one?" The priest said, "When you get a little bigger you can have one."

This Sunday, right before communion started, Aidan announced that he had to pee! So all 3 of us went to the bathroom. As we were frantically running back into church to recieve communion we were the last people to recieve. We reached the priest who again leaned down to bless both children and ask them to be patient with each other and their mother. When we got back to the pew Aidan says to me, "Mommy, I'm bigger when can I get a white treat?" I say, "when you're a school ager you can get one." He then asks me, "What is that? What does it taste like?" I tell him, "It's the body of Christ, Aidan." Thinking that would cause him to pause and think for a few minutes and maybe ignore me. OH NO! His response was, "The body of Christ. Wow that's AWESOME!"

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