Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Bloody Sunday....

Sean and I are really growing up! Some might say, "It's about time!" I mean we're not getting any younger but we sometimes take the long road to get someplace! But rest assured we are inching our way to grown up, and we're ready for it!

We are finally after 4 years for Aidan and 2 1/2 for Clare, realizing that we cannot keep up the same habits we have in the past. Like being out, away from home all day on Saturday and then again on Sunday. Which equates to the kids missing naps, meals, and some much needed down time. Then it's Sunday at 8pm and they are still taking a nap or totally miserable because they are ready for bed and have been since dinner. We're always running errands, going to parties, doing the things we want to do and think the kids will have fun doing. They do enjoy all those things but sometimes we stay a little longer than we should and by the time we get home they are in full meltdown mode.

So we're going to finally "grow up" and keep our schedule light. Keeping in mind what's in the best interest of ALL us Healeys, not just us adults.

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