Saturday, January 2, 2010

New Years Promises

I'm now almost 2 full days into the new year and I've already found myself lying in bed both mornings thinking of ALL my possible New Years promises to make to myself. I seem to over analyze my daily life from time to time so I'm going to make myself a huge promise this year...

Just be happy with the wonderful life I have and STOP over analyzing it!

I mean I've got it pretty good! A handsome, wonderful, stomachachingly hilarious husband! A son who is matching up to be as funny as his father, he's a total boy's boy but LOVES his Mom the most and a stinking adorable, totally sassy, baby doll and barbie (YEAH) loving, beautiful little girl! And don't let me leave out my first baby, lovable (unconditionally), sweetheart, softee Saddie Dog. LIFE IS GOOD!!! And I have the t-shirt to prove it!

So I'm on a new quest now after all my overthinking in the last 2 days. I'm going to challenge myself to do something everyday for a month. It will be a different thing every month. I'm also going to focus on spending more time with my friends. I have some pretty awesome friends and I'm really hoping to see them more this year.

For January, my PROMISE to me is this: walk Saddie everyday. Secretly it's a dual promise because I really want to get back in my exercise routine and I think this will at least kick start things. You see I really HATE to exercise but I also really HATE to feel like a fatty. So you see my internal dilema!

Anyway, so far so good on my promise for January.

Day 1: On New Year's Day (after cleaning up my house from our WTF are you wearing party on NYE) I got my butt up and stuck Clare in the stroller and walked Saddie for almost 2 miles.

Day 2: Today Sean had to work at 10 in DC, which means he has to leave the house by 8:30. So when his alarm went off @ 7 and I woke up in Aidan's bed with Clare next to me (every night here is a musical bed night) I heard Sean reset his alarm but I still got up. Knowing it was going to be a high of 33 degrees today (who knows what with the windchill) I didn't want to have to chance taking the kids out with me on my journey. I got up and changed and headed out. There's something about braving the cold that makes me really feel like I've accomplished something. So Saddie and I trudged on (black ice and all) in the whipping wind this morning and got back 20 minutes before Sean had to leave.

29 days to go...

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! Looking forward to hearing all about the adventures of the Healeys.
