Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A True Trooper

Our house has been plagued with a minor, yet nasty stomach virus since Friday night.

First Clare started while we were out Friday night. Then Aidan at 5am Saturday morning. Saturday Sean and I felt fine and figured if we didn't get it by Sunday morning we were in the clear. Well, NOT so clear. I woke up Monday morning to a little bit of a turning stomach. I chugged a glass of water and then heaved. That lasted for about 6 hours then the headache and exhaustion set in.

We figured Sean was still okay til last night around 7pm. He came to me and said, "My stomach is turning." OH NO! Well shortly after that the BARFING started. Now when I say BARFING I mean BARFING. He was definately hit the WORSE. He was sick from 7pm until around 1am when he was finally able to fall asleep. He had to work today for "Bill Moyer's Journal" and he's such a workaholic that he was NOT going to find someone else to replace him. So at 6:45, feeling like he was hit by a mac truck, he dutifully got up and turned off his alarm. Brewed a pot of coffee and jumped in the shower.

All I can say is, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That man has amazed me for many years with many different things but he's one thing if nothing else, a man of his word. He said he'd be there today and by God he was there. Pale white, feeling like a big bag of crapola and he got the job done.

Now that is one amazing man! And I LOVE him for it! I spoiled him a little tonight for it too. Chicken soup in bed and a special slice of homemade banana bread.

You're awesome Babe!

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