Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sanford and Sons got nothin on me!

My rocketship is back in the shop... I think it's more like a tall glass of lemonade rather than a rocketship if you catch my drift! But that's about to become another sad story for another day!
Now usually when I have my rocketship in the shop I get a nice, clean, sometimes cute little Audi loaner to drive around town. I mean the back has a sticker the size of the rearview window that says its a loaner from Criswell Audi in Annapolis but hey, if you have the Audi loaner it's cause you own an Audi. WELL, not this time. We are banning Audi for ripping us OFF so we took the rocketship to a little mechanic near home. Needless to say he doesn't offer an Audi loaner in it's place.

Lucky for me we have a 1993 Ford F150 pickup truck that Sean primarily uses to go to the dump. Yes, we have so much extra crap in our lives that we had to buy a junker just for frequent runs to the dump. So I am now the proud driver of this hunka hunka burnin oil! We went to the post office today in it.... yup you can fit 2 kids in carseats in the front seat with ya. Clare thought it was great. When the truck made the crazy loud noise it makes if you keep your foot on the gas for too long, she says, "Whoa Mommy, that sound was AWESOME!" Aidan says, "Make it do it again!" I smuggly respond, "Oh don't worry kids, it WILL!" We broke the cardinal rule of the truck already though, we listened to Rock and Roll instead of Country... SHHHH don't tell Sean.

The good news: it only stalls when you put it in reverse, but it fires right back up again! Gonna be a long ride to work tomorrow. Guess I won't be passing on the right in this bad boy! UGH!

1 comment:

  1. you really need to have someone at the center take your picture and make that your new blog profile pic, hahaha. or maybe facebook :)
