Sunday, January 3, 2010

A letter of HOPE

Dear Washington Redskins,

We have stuck by you loyally this season! Sure we're tossed around the occasional "The Skins SUCK!" but I mean come on you kind of deserved it! (remember the 1 point LOSS to Dallas) We've worn our Redskins jerseys, t-shirts and socks, we've cheered even when we knew what the outcome would be, we taught our children your fight song - and they continue to sing it proudly!

So, here I sit offering my final plea for this 2009 season: Please, please, please make your best effort today!!! Please fight as hard as you can, keep your heads up high, and remember your fans!!!! Not only for yourselves but for my husband, Sean Healey, who really needs a sign of HOPE. It will make the last day of my wonderful holiday vacation much more pleasant if you just give it the ole' college try one LAST time before we all pack it in for next season.

Good Luck and Godspeed.

Your Fans,
the Healeys

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