Sunday, January 31, 2010

Short but (semi)Sweet

By now all of you have probably heard about my super duper car. In September of 2008, Sean bought me an Audi Allroad. Its got silver exterior, black and gray leather seats, that walnut looking panelling, all electronic gadgets, butt warmers in the front and back seat, those new fancy, yet annoying, headlights and a sunroof. It's super fast and has rockin quick pick up. I like to drive fast and this thing was all that and then some! Aidan said it looked like a rocketship.

We all loved (note the past tense) this car. It totally rocked! That is when it wasn't bleeding us dry! Talk about a MONEY PIT! Luxury is not always worth it... in the long run. That daggone car cost $250 for one stinkin spark plug to be fixed. Not to mention the cap that got screwed on too tight during an oil change that cost $165 to fix cause it caused a leak. Most recently, like 2 weeks before Christmas, we dropped almost $3000 on new front and back brakes, something called CB boots and a 55,000 mile checkup. Last weekend the service light came on Sunday afternoon. Sean took it to a mechanic by the house. After 3 days and another $800 we got the car back Friday afternoon around 4:00.

Yesterday, saturday, Sean drove that super duper rocketship straight to the Nissan dealership in Annapolis and traded it in for a SUPER DUPER COOL nissan Pathfinder. It's really nice and it's just like my old nissan Xterra.

I totally LOVE it! So do the kids and they are the biggest critics!
Aidan Michael Healey 1/31/06

Saturday, January 30, 2010

A special day for "me"

Today was Aidan's birthday party at our house with all his friends. We were frantically getting ready this morning, in hopes that despite the possible 2-4 inches of snow predicted, people would actually come to the party. When it started to snow at 8:30am, Aidan looked out the window and said, "It looks like this is a special day for me." I mean come on birthday party and snow... what more could a winter baby ask for. All the kids invited were from Aidan's "school". They all go to Noah's Ark with him, which is down in Calvert Co. WELL, to our wonderment and surprise they showed up, all except for one.

Aidan's face was like pure happiness when he saw the first car pull in our driveway. And it kept up for the whole 2 hours they were all here. He ran around showing them all his toys and his bedroom. Once they were all here, the first thing he wanted to do is open presents... go figure! Then we did the ninja turtle pinata and then ate pizza and cake. The boy was in total HEAVEN!

Right about the time we were lighting the candles, Aunt Momo, Uncle Wade, Bel, Uncle Mickey and Nana got here. About 20 minutes after they arrived and everyone else left I walked into the kitchen and Aidan was sitting at the table eating his 3rd piece of birthday cake. He says to me, "Hey Mom, Nana's here." I say, "Oh she is? Wow." So funny.

All in all the Ninja Turtle Clubhouse Birthday party was a huge success primarily because our little Aidan was totally thrilled with the turn out!

While I was hanging up the streamers before the party, Aidan looks at me very sincerely, smiles and says, "THANKS, Mom." Awww 4 years old (tomorrow) and still so sweet!

Needless to say after partying and playing in the snow all day he was wiped out tonight. He passed out on the chair in the living room watching a "lost episode" of TMNT.

Man I LOVE this kid!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

A True Trooper

Our house has been plagued with a minor, yet nasty stomach virus since Friday night.

First Clare started while we were out Friday night. Then Aidan at 5am Saturday morning. Saturday Sean and I felt fine and figured if we didn't get it by Sunday morning we were in the clear. Well, NOT so clear. I woke up Monday morning to a little bit of a turning stomach. I chugged a glass of water and then heaved. That lasted for about 6 hours then the headache and exhaustion set in.

We figured Sean was still okay til last night around 7pm. He came to me and said, "My stomach is turning." OH NO! Well shortly after that the BARFING started. Now when I say BARFING I mean BARFING. He was definately hit the WORSE. He was sick from 7pm until around 1am when he was finally able to fall asleep. He had to work today for "Bill Moyer's Journal" and he's such a workaholic that he was NOT going to find someone else to replace him. So at 6:45, feeling like he was hit by a mac truck, he dutifully got up and turned off his alarm. Brewed a pot of coffee and jumped in the shower.

All I can say is, WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That man has amazed me for many years with many different things but he's one thing if nothing else, a man of his word. He said he'd be there today and by God he was there. Pale white, feeling like a big bag of crapola and he got the job done.

Now that is one amazing man! And I LOVE him for it! I spoiled him a little tonight for it too. Chicken soup in bed and a special slice of homemade banana bread.

You're awesome Babe!

A cup of tea

A cup of tea holds a long list of memories for me.

When I was in high school I used to work at a pool, as a lifeguard, in 60+ community of people. Needless to say there were NO saves because most of the people did not leave their air conditioned condos when the weather was hot much less take a dip in the pool. So I had a lot of time to work on my tan and that pool was ALWAYS sparkly clean. One particular day, it was kind of chilly and cloudy but the pool stayed open, just on the off chance that someone might have a grandchild visiting that wanted to swim. So as I lay in my lounge chair covered in my towel a sweet older gentleman, who I knew was recently diagnosed with some sort of cancer, came over to the pool and asked how I was doing. I quickly answered, "Fine, thanks." We chatted for another minute of two and he was on his way.

Another hour or so went by and he returned to the desolate pool with a little cup of hot tea. Nothing fancy just the tea bag floating in some warm water. However, for this none tea drinking girl it was GREAT! Warmed me up! Here was the man dying of cancer and for a couple of hours out of his life he was concerned about me and how I was doing. WHOA, that was an amazing thing to me! I later wrote my college admission essay about that day.

Now my family if full of tea drinkers. My Grandmother, affectionately known to us as MONGIE, was a huge tea drinker. Every single time we went to her house she either had a cup of tea in hand, or on the table of the kettle was about to start singing. I loved that about her as do my other siblings and cousins. Tea and Mongie go hand in hand. She drank tea with milk in it. Which we all in turn came to love. My mother drinks tea too. She loves tea in the afternoon or just to warm her up on a chilly day. I remember the kettle singing in our home growing up signalling that someone was about to be warmed to the soul by a cup of deliciousness.

My sisters and brother all LOVE a good cup of tea. Maureen will drink it anytime of the day, she'll start the kettle immediately after a meal to have a cup. She will make sure her tea is perfectly steeped before cutting into her favorite pie or cake for dessert. Maureen and I talk every morning on our way to work and most mornings I am on the phone with her as she pulls into the dunkin donuts drive thru to order her "medium hot tea with milk only". It's so funny cause now I order with her when she tells me to hold on. Kerry and Jenny, a lot like Mongie, seem to always have a cup in hand when I'm at their houses. Kerry recently informed me that once the original cup loses it's heat she is DONE with it. Won't microwave it or anything. She just dumps it out. In fact, I think all of their kids even drink tea. Kerry's son Mike, 12, is the only one of the great-grandkids that had the opportunity to kind of know Mongie. They would have "Mongie Mondays" when he was a little guy. Mongie would come over to Kerry's house for a few hours in the morning and they of course would have tea. I'm not certain but I'm sure he too shared the pleasure we did of enjoying a cup o' tea with Mongie.

In my later life, when I met Sean and would go to his parents home to visit with him, his Mom always would ask me if I wanted a cup of tea when she was brewing some. We would sit at the counter and chat and sip tea and get to know each other better.

All these memories, just over a simple drink like a cup of tea. To that I do feel blessed in my life. I, now, after many years am becoming quite a tea drinker. I love me some chai latte from starbucks but I also have learned to love a nice hot cup of tea right out of the singing kettle on my own stove. Delicious!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sanford and Sons got nothin on me!

My rocketship is back in the shop... I think it's more like a tall glass of lemonade rather than a rocketship if you catch my drift! But that's about to become another sad story for another day!
Now usually when I have my rocketship in the shop I get a nice, clean, sometimes cute little Audi loaner to drive around town. I mean the back has a sticker the size of the rearview window that says its a loaner from Criswell Audi in Annapolis but hey, if you have the Audi loaner it's cause you own an Audi. WELL, not this time. We are banning Audi for ripping us OFF so we took the rocketship to a little mechanic near home. Needless to say he doesn't offer an Audi loaner in it's place.

Lucky for me we have a 1993 Ford F150 pickup truck that Sean primarily uses to go to the dump. Yes, we have so much extra crap in our lives that we had to buy a junker just for frequent runs to the dump. So I am now the proud driver of this hunka hunka burnin oil! We went to the post office today in it.... yup you can fit 2 kids in carseats in the front seat with ya. Clare thought it was great. When the truck made the crazy loud noise it makes if you keep your foot on the gas for too long, she says, "Whoa Mommy, that sound was AWESOME!" Aidan says, "Make it do it again!" I smuggly respond, "Oh don't worry kids, it WILL!" We broke the cardinal rule of the truck already though, we listened to Rock and Roll instead of Country... SHHHH don't tell Sean.

The good news: it only stalls when you put it in reverse, but it fires right back up again! Gonna be a long ride to work tomorrow. Guess I won't be passing on the right in this bad boy! UGH!

Barbie Monster

The other night Sean and I were standing in the kitchen talking. The kids were in their play/tv room playing and semi watching tv. All of a sudden Clare makes a "Raaaarrrr" noise. She does it a few more times and I finally peek my head in to see what or who she's "Raaaarrrring".

She's sitting on the floor in the middle of the room with all her barbies around her. She holds one up to her face and goes "RRRRaaaarrrr" right in Barbie's face. So, of course I giggle and turn to Sean and say she's scaring her Barbie. She then takes the Barbie and cradles her like a baby in her arm and says, "It's okay, don't be scared. Shhh! Shhh!" She then points her finger at the Barbie's chest (which is naked cause they are all naked) and says, "Are those your boobies? You got boobies?"

Sean and I were CRYING in the kitchen!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday breakfast

Lately Sean has been off on the weekends (for the most part) and he has been ROCKIN the yummy breakfasts after church! Today he made us sausage, "dippy" eggs and pancakes! YUMMO!!!

We were joking this morning that his delicious breakfasts are not going to help the size o' my bum in 2010! HA HA! Oh well, I guess I'll have to cut back during the week cause the breakfasts are just toooooo yummy!

You're a breakfast guru Seany! I'm lovin it! (wait isn't that McDonald's slogin)

Resolution Update

Well so far I've been pretty good on my January promise. I've missed 3 days. Last weekend I was lazy, a little hungover, and Sean was working all weekend but that's no excuse, so I missed Saturday AND Sunday. And yesterday both kids had the stomach flu AND I was being LAZY again so I missed yesterday too. But after breakfast today I took Saddie for a nice long walk. It was nice and warm so I felt even better about not slackin!

A sad moment

Today I went to the store with Clare. We were having a grand ole time. Shopping in Kmart for laundry detergent, tissues and Mr. Clean Magic Erasers. At one point she asked me if she could look at the dora lollipops. So we went over and checked them out. When I pulled the cart away she lost it, yelling at me to go back. When I said I wouldn't go back we weren't buying one today and I wanted to finish shopping, she folded her arms across her chest and turned her head, pouting "FINE". As I laughed she did it again. It soon became a game and we laughed and laughed through the aisles. Good thing she's so sweet and nothing like her Mama! YIKES!

We had to pick up a few things for Aidan's birthday party. I went to the party supply aisle to look around and saw the number candles. Oh, I thought, I should get the #4 now so I don't forget. Suddenly I was overcome with emotion... How can I be buying a #4 candle for my Aidan?! I really almost cried in the aisle as I pulled the candle off the shelf. So SAD! My baby boy is really growing up! : (

Some help from ABOVE

So today was our 3rd (count it, 3rd) weekend in a row (whoop whoop) going to mass. The kids are getting the schedule down pat so maybe by the 3oth weekend in a row they will actually BEHAVE in mass! But for now we take what we can get. We don't bring snacks or drinks but we do bring coloring books, crayons, ninja turtles and books. They are pretty decent but not great.

This morning Sean was with us again so we were early... well 7:55. Father Barr was standing in the back of church when as we were rushing in. He stopped us and said, "Now who do we have here?" Sean dutifully (since we answer this question weekly) said, "Clare and Aidan" to which Aidan scowls. Father Barr quickly responds, "Oh yes, the last time I saw Aidan he wasn't very happy either." We give our partially amused, partially ashamed, giggles and head to our pew. After the procession, Father Barr addresses the congregation.

"Good Morning. I usually like to begin with a little overview of what I'd like you to reflect on from the readings this week. However, today we have a 3 year old named AIDAN who is in need of your help. He's not very happy to be here so I ask you all to help him and pray for him that he makes it through mass. Because if he does we've got donuts in the back after mass for him."

Sean and I (mortified) kind of hehehehe and pat Aidan on the head while the entire congregation is looking around for this particular "3 year old". Lucky for us he's as big as a 5 year old so maybe no one noticed him?!

Monday, January 18, 2010

"The white treat"

Sean had to work all weekend this weekend. He left the house at noon on Saturday and we pretty much didn't see him until about 5 on Sunday evening.

So Sunday morning I took the kids to mass solo. We had to sit in the second row from the front since we got there kind of late and all the back seats were taken. One time months ago when we were at mass I had both Aidan and Clare with me when I went up to receive communion. The priest leaned down and blessed Aidan and Clare. To that Aidan responded, "Can I have one?" The priest said, "When you get a little bigger you can have one."

This Sunday, right before communion started, Aidan announced that he had to pee! So all 3 of us went to the bathroom. As we were frantically running back into church to recieve communion we were the last people to recieve. We reached the priest who again leaned down to bless both children and ask them to be patient with each other and their mother. When we got back to the pew Aidan says to me, "Mommy, I'm bigger when can I get a white treat?" I say, "when you're a school ager you can get one." He then asks me, "What is that? What does it taste like?" I tell him, "It's the body of Christ, Aidan." Thinking that would cause him to pause and think for a few minutes and maybe ignore me. OH NO! His response was, "The body of Christ. Wow that's AWESOME!"

Thursday, January 14, 2010

When Aidan was born Sean and I had no idea what to expect! We quickly found out that having a baby is a LOT of work! But also a LOT of fun at the same time. It's been so fun to watch him grow up and learn many things along the way.

When he was 6 weeks old he smiled and belly laughed for the first time.

When he was 8 weeks old he started to sleep through the night.

His first trip to NY was when he was a month old.

First time on an airplane was at 8 weeks old.

At about 6 months he started to crawl and boy was he fast!

At 7 months we changed him into his "big boy" carseat.

First word was "gall" as he chased around a ball under Momo and Wade's dining room table.

He used to say "thutitzthat?" (What is that?") and "What's that sound whike?"

He started to walk 1 week after he turned 1.

Sean remembers when Aidan only had a few match box cars and he'd carry them everywhere and line them up.

He had this adorable floppy little blonde surfer haircut. Which we had to cut off because we took him to get it trimmed and the girl made him look like he had a mullet! So then we just shaved it and spiked it up.

Awwww our little boy is growing so fast! It's truly amazing to watch and Sean and I both love every minute of it!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

97th Percentile

Aidan turns 4 on January 31st. We went for his 4 year old wellness exam yesterday. Let's just say in true 4 year old form he was an abosolute TERROR. He complained and whined the whole time.

Here are his stats at 4:

weight: 49.9 lbs
height: 44 inches

Which makes him in the 97th percentile for both. He's still on track for being HUGE! At this rate he'll be bigger than me by the time he goes to kindergarten!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Prune Hands

The other night when Clare got out of the tub she totally freaked! She looks at her hands and goes... "OH NO! What happened to my hands?" I explain to her that she was in the tub too long and has prune hands. They will go back to normal soon.

Tonight she was "swimming" in the bathtub with baby Michael. When it was time to get out I put her froggy towel on and she looks at her hands again and says, "OH NO! It happened again. I leed a towel to wipe it off." I explain again that she needs to wait a few minutes, it happened because her and Michael were swimming in the tub too long. Luckily they went back to normal before she got her jammies on. HA!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

January Promise- 10 days in

10 days down, 21 to go! 1/3 of the way there~


As I mentioned in an earlier post I took a class on Saturday. The kids and Sean were together all day. They went to Ian's (our nephew) wrestling match and then out to lunch with Uncle Pat and Aunt Mary and Sean.

Before I left the house Saturday morning Aidan was the only one awake. I got him all set up in the playroom before I left. TV on, hot chocolate with marshmallows and blankie. When I grabbed my purse and keys he said to me, "Where are you going, Mommy?" I said, "I'm going to work today, not at school but I have to take a class." Aidan replied, "What kind of class?" I said, "A boring one." Aidan asked, "When will you be home?" "I'll be home at dinner time." I replied. "Oh like Daddy" he said. "Yes, like Daddy." I replied and gave him a hug and kiss, then headed out the door.

After a long day of sitting in class, I picked up some dinner and got home around 6pm. When I pulled in the driveway I could see Aidan bouncing around in the playroom and Clare came walking in dragging her blankie and slugging her apple juice. To that I smiled as I walked up to the house. When I opened the door, Saddie immediately came running to my feet barking, Sean smiled and said hello and Aidan and Clare came running in. "MOMMY, MOMMY, Mommy's HOME" Aidan yelled and Clare said, "Oh oh, yeah Mommy, you're home!" As if they haven't seen me in several days not several hours. It's such a great feeling.

I am pretty much always with them so I don't get to arrive home alone often, but everytime I am away from them, for an hour to go shopping or during the day at school or for the night I always get that same wonderful homecoming! How sweet it is!

Sunday Bloody Sunday....

Sean and I are really growing up! Some might say, "It's about time!" I mean we're not getting any younger but we sometimes take the long road to get someplace! But rest assured we are inching our way to grown up, and we're ready for it!

We are finally after 4 years for Aidan and 2 1/2 for Clare, realizing that we cannot keep up the same habits we have in the past. Like being out, away from home all day on Saturday and then again on Sunday. Which equates to the kids missing naps, meals, and some much needed down time. Then it's Sunday at 8pm and they are still taking a nap or totally miserable because they are ready for bed and have been since dinner. We're always running errands, going to parties, doing the things we want to do and think the kids will have fun doing. They do enjoy all those things but sometimes we stay a little longer than we should and by the time we get home they are in full meltdown mode.

So we're going to finally "grow up" and keep our schedule light. Keeping in mind what's in the best interest of ALL us Healeys, not just us adults.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Phone A Friend

Does everyone have a specific person they call when they get in the car? And I don't mean their spouse, I mean a certain someone that you call whenever you're in the car. Or maybe when something happens, good, bad, stupid, funny or just plain normal? Someone besides your spouse who knows you in and out. You can say things to that you don't have to explain or justify?

Well Sean and I both do. My person is my twin, Maureen and Sean's is his Dad, Senior. Funny isn't it but there have been times in our lives that these two people may know important information about either one of us before we tell each other.

A piece of history

We spent Christmas in NY this year (well last year technically) and while we were there we decided to check out this carpet store that my Mom told us about to see if we could find a rug for our living room. So the day after Christmas Sean, Clare and I went up to the carpet store and picked out a really cool new rug.

Side note: Sean and I don't really like to dilly dally when making decisions like purchasing a rug, couch, car, lawnmower, etc. We are pretty much instant gratification people. Plus the fact that, after several years of being with Sean, I know that if it the decision isn't made within the first 30 minutes, he's going to just bag it and go home. Which in this case would leave me rugless in my living room for another year or so.

On the way back to my parents house we were talking about our new purchase and how now all we need is a new coffee table. I said "Oh my parents have their old one in the attic at the house and they aren't going to use it." When we got back I asked my Dad because he actually MADE this table before Maureen and I were born. It used to be in our "den" growing up and then spent many years out in the garage collecting dust. My Dad said, "It needs a little TLC but if you want it, it's yours." Now to some, maybe even most people, this table is in need of a little TLC. It's gotten a lot of scratches and dents over the years. But that's what makes it unique and tells it's story, so we love it even more the way it is.

The table is a pretty standard coffee table in size. BUT, it's got a shelf under it that as kids we used to lay on, set up little people houses on, color in coloring books on, probably run cars on too. The other night I was walking through the house and Aidan was laying on the shelf watching Ninja Turtles on tv. I had to stop, take a mental picture and laugh! (I wish I could have found my camera at that moment.) That was exactly why I wanted this table to share a piece of my childhood fun with my kids. Someday when they are a little older I'll tell them all my stories but for now I feel like this is a small link into my past and a small piece to their future.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Rain Date

Tonight is Friday, I had super duper fun plans laid out for tonight up until 3 days ago!

Aidan, Clare and I were supposed to go to a SLEEPOVER PARTY at Lisa, Lil, and Grady's house. Her Sean bar tends on Friday nights and doesn't get home til late. We did it once before and my kids are still talking about it. "Remember that time we swept over Wiwians house?!" The had so much fun... I swear for every beer we drank they each had an ice pop. Except for Grady who was like 4 1/2 months old when we slept over. At one point we left all the kids in the living room and Grady was lying on one of those play mats. We came back in to him crying cause he was dragged halfway across the room by non-other than Clare Bear. She claims he was crying and she wanted to pick him up. And since Aidan freaked out when Lil tried to wear his shoes we let her wear his pj's! It was SO much FUN! Plus the bonus of it all was that I got to hang out (almost uninterrupted) with my BF "Cool Lisa."

SO instead of being there having a grand ole time I'm home sitting on my couch checking facebook and blogging because I have to take some BORING continuing ed class tomorrow to learn how to administer medication in a childcare setting, or something to that nature.


We just set the Rain Date via instant message on FBfor next Friday night. YEAH!!! I can't wait, that's gonna make this class tomorrow a little more bearable knowing that I have something to look forward to already for next weekend.

Sparkly Silence

Day 8: January Promise

I woke up at 1:00 am to get into Aidan's bed because he and Sean were SNORING in ours. So I played my usuual game of musical beds again last night. As I climbed into his bed, which I LOVE cause it's a twin and pretty much only Clare and I can sleep together comfortably in it, I looked out the window and saw the snow falling. I immediatly felt like a kid on Christmas morning! I LOVE SNOW! Whether it's a dusting of 2 feet, I LOVE IT! I'm one of those people who is fortunate enough to be able to "smell the snow" before it comes. I truly believe snow is one of Mother Nature's greatest gifts.

When my alarm went off at 5:15 I was almost giddy with the thought of how excited Saddie would be when she found our little surprise outside the door. I suited up, leashed Saddie and we headed out. Just as I suspected, Saddie was elated! As we walked through the neighborhood I noticed that this snow was one of those sparkly snows that even the faintest bit of light sent little flecks of glitter across the snow.

There is something about the peaceful silence that snow creates over the earth it covers. It makes you forget all the icky stuff, you even forget the cold. For a brief period of time it makes me feel like all really is GOOD in the world. It's one of the most comforting, beautiful feelings I've ever experienced. There was no one out this morning.... we didn't even pass a single car. It was just Saddie and I, making our way through the peaceful, sparkly silence of the snow.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A Clubhouse Birthday

My baby boy turns 4 on January 31st! Like every mother I keep saying, "How can this be? Where did the time go?" My little Aidan with the crazy, spiky black hair and the sweet soft skin, who used to be so small I could sit Indian style and cradle him there to rock him to sleep. NOW he's so tall he comes up to my chest, he's in a size 12 1/2 shoe, and I can't even shop in the "T" section for him anymore. He grows like a weed, almost every week it seems. He's got a little bowl haircut and the sweetest blue eyes. He still asks me to sit with him and lay with him and pick him up.

My Mom reminded me when I was home for Christmas that my Dad's Uncle Tom used to say if you pick up your baby everyday of their life they are never to big for you to hold. Now there was a generation of people who held great wisdom on family matters! Priceless!

So now my baby boy is going to be 4 and he wants to have a birthday party with all his friends at our house. A bit nerve racking for me because all of his friends are in the same daycare as him and I work at the daycare. So it's kind of like having your clients over for dinner but dinner is a kid birthday party not a nice sit down.

Aidan has been talking about the party theme since last summer. A clubhouse birthday - like Mickey Mouse Clubhouse but without Mickey Mouse with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles- of course. So we are slowly getting to the bottom of what Aidan pictures this party to be like. We're going to construct a tent in the living room and pack it full of all his TMNT stuff so they can all play with his "guys". He wants to do bowling, put the shell on the turtle (a la pin the tail on the donkey style), and a pinata. We'll have pizza for lunch cause that's the Ninja Turtles favorite food.

As for the cake, well last year for his 3rd birthday I made a small sheet cake and put Raph's gym on top of the cake. It was a TMNT mini toy that looked like a gym with Raphael and a bad guy. So with that in mind, this year he wants a cake with "chocolate icing and all the Ninja Turtles, Shredder, the Foot Soldiers, and all the bad guys and the behicles." Whoa now that's gonna be a BIG cake! Lucky for him he's super adorable and still has the sweetest cheeks (that I love to bite) AND he LOVES his Mama! So I'm going to do my best to make this yummy cake and make his first friend birthday party a great one!


I'm on day 7 of my New Years Promise for January and things are going well. I was a bit of a slacker today. Sean had to leave really early and I knew that when I ignored my alarm this morning and said to myself, "Nah, I'm not getting up now, I'll take her later when he gets home." Knowing full well that he works ridiculously long hours and it would be dark and late when he got home. So when he pulled in at 6:45 I was getting the kids out of the bath. I threw on the first pair of shoes I found and walked her for about 10 minutes on the "new road." We live in an older neighborhood and they just built a whole new neighborhood (well it's actually only one road with 26 houses on it) next to ours. The new road comes out right next to my neighbors so It's a real quick walk. But hey, I still did it!

Yesterday (Day 6) was a big day for Saddie. I got up at 5:15 and was out the door with her by 5:23 (Sean was leaving at 6:15 so the clock was ticking). We walked our whole neighborhood and were back by the time Sean had to leave. It was 23 degrees when I left the house but colder with the windchill. I had gone to Modells on Sunday to get some better outerwear for my new resolution, as I mentioned in an earlier post, and I bought an under armour outer shirt, a pair of nike pants and an under armour hat.

Now under armour stuff is pricey, (in my opinion - but I only shop at Target and Kmart for clothes these days) but I'll admit after these small purchases it's worth every penny. Yesterday morning I had on 1 under armour shirt, a fleece over that, another under armour shirt over that, my nike pants and my under armour hat and the only part of my body that was cold was my face when I got home. That stuff ROCKS!!! I'm totally sold! LOVE IT!

So now with my warm clothes I don't care if it stays 20 something degrees for the whole winter... well maybe that's not entirely true!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

You can call me Al... or Bug!

When Clare was a baby I called her my little Doodle Buggy. Well it started to stick, and got shortened to just plain Bug.

A few months ago she asked me for some apple juice. I was handing it to her and mistakenly said,

Me: "Here's your apple juice Sweetie."

Clare: "You don't tall me Sweetie, you tall me BUG!"


I also call Aidan "Bud" sometimes. You know like, "hey good mornin, Bud." So she tells me one time, "Aidan's your BUD and I'm your BUG."

Sean and I call each other Babe a lot. You know like, "See ya later Babe." The other day Sean was leaving for work and she says, "Bye Babe!"

What a sense of style...

Clare is going to be exactly 2 1/2 years old in 6 days! She is really coming into her own... a SASSY, little bundle of freshness! All I can say is UGH!!!!!

She is determined to do everything on her own OR with Mommy's help. God forbid Sean step one foot in her direction unless it's on her terms. I feel so bad for him when she's nasty to him. When she does it to me I don't like it either but I hate when she does it to him.

Anyway, tonight Sean did baths and I cleaned up the kitchen. After she got out of the bath she pitched a fit because he tried to get her dressed. So he comes in the kitchen and says "the girl is all yours." When I get upstairs she's in her room with the door closed yelling, "Mommy, get me dressed now!" I open the door and sit on the bed next to the pajamas I laid out earlier.

Me: "Clare come over here and get dressed"
C: "Mommy, you want some pizza?" (She's got a basket with a wooden pizza in it on her arm)
Me: "Yes, after you get these pajamas ON."
C: "No I already have clothes in here." (removes the pizza from her basket and pulls out clothes)
Me: "Oh you have your own, okay lets see."

It's a pair of corduroy pants, a pj shirt, underwear, a princess pull up, and a pair of tights. So after a little negotiation, on my part, she ends up in a shortsleeve pj shirt, princess pull up, and a pair of tights. She asks me why they don't have holes in the bottom... ha ha. After she's dressed she turns around and looks at me arms spread out and says, "So what you think?"

I have to say she is just too DAG ON adorable.... and she better thank the great Lord above of that everyday while she's sportin this new crapatude!

I love my lil BUG!

Promise: Day 4 and Day 5

Day 4:
Sean has a funny work schedule, he works random days/hours. He worked on Saturday and doesn't have another job til Wednesday. Soooo last night when I was driving home he called me to see where I was.

Sean: "Hey, where are you?"
Me: "I just left, on Rte 4."
Sean: "Okay, see you at home for happy hour."
Me: "Okay, but I HAVE to walk Saddie first. I can't fail this early in."
Sean: "Yeah, yeah I know. That's cool."

So, I got home and immediately put my coat and hat on and grabbed Saddie's leash.

Day 5:
I went to bed at 8:00 last night in anticipation of getting up early today to walk Saddie. So when my alarm went off at 5:00AM and I woke up with Clare in Aidan's bed I just rolled over and snuggled with her ignoring the wake up call. When I finally got out of bed at 6:24 (YIKES) all bets were off for Saddie this morning.

I took her this afternoon instead. We went for a longer one today since I had the time. Sean's leaving here at 7:00 tomorrow morning and won't be home until after 8:00 tomorrow night. Guess Day 6 is gonna be an early one.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Promise: Day 3

BURRRR!!! That's all I have to say about today... but we did it!

Then I went to Modells for some WARMER outerwear!

Day 3: DONE!!!


A letter of HOPE

Dear Washington Redskins,

We have stuck by you loyally this season! Sure we're tossed around the occasional "The Skins SUCK!" but I mean come on you kind of deserved it! (remember the 1 point LOSS to Dallas) We've worn our Redskins jerseys, t-shirts and socks, we've cheered even when we knew what the outcome would be, we taught our children your fight song - and they continue to sing it proudly!

So, here I sit offering my final plea for this 2009 season: Please, please, please make your best effort today!!! Please fight as hard as you can, keep your heads up high, and remember your fans!!!! Not only for yourselves but for my husband, Sean Healey, who really needs a sign of HOPE. It will make the last day of my wonderful holiday vacation much more pleasant if you just give it the ole' college try one LAST time before we all pack it in for next season.

Good Luck and Godspeed.

Your Fans,
the Healeys

"Wipe Cereal"

After many knock down drag out fights about our childrens nutrition and diet, Sean and I have sort of come to an agreement. Well, we agree to meet in the middle on somethings and then he just turns a blind eye on others or shakes his head. I do admit that I cave and give them junk food alot but believe me sometimes that's in everyones best interest!

We agreed that we would not buy sugar cereals for the kids. Sean grew up on puffed wheat and plain cheerios. Honey nut were a treat in his house. I got a box of frosted mini wheats one day and he approved it for the house. Sooooo now we have boxes of the "Wipe Cereal" as Aidan calls it on hand at all times. Hey it's got tons of fiber, right?!

Clare comes in the kitchen the other day and says to me, "Aidan and me want some of that cheese cereal." I say, "WHAT?!" She says, "You know the cereal with the white cheese on it." As my stomach turns imagining that, I say, "That's not cheese Clare it's SUGAR."

What a knuckle head!

What's in a Name?

The name of my blog - Wee Irish Bobbins - came from a lady I work with. She is one of the sweetest, quirkiest, laid back little ole hippies I know. She calls Aidan and Clare "the Wee Irish Bobbins" when she sees them coming and going. (And she even does an accent sometimes - so cute) I think it came from her father or something, but I think it's a sweet little name for them cause that's what they are!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Obama came for Christmas

OBAMA!!! Yeah! We are a house full of proud Obama supporters! We are thrilled that he's our new prez!

Let me back up a bit.... Aidan (my almost 4 year old son) is a big time TV lover! Around the time of the inauguration Sean and I were watching CNN one morning and he comes walking past the tv and says "Oh that's Barrack Obama." Sean and I (totally surprised) say "Do you know what he does?" To that Aidan replies, "He's the president. He likes to go for walks on the beach and read bedtime stories and make chili." We laugh (still puzzled) and say, "Where did you learn that?" He says, "Oh, he's on my tv." A couple of days later I see this little cartoon piece on the Noggin channel all about Obama. TOO FUNNY!

Sean works as a video-cameraman and was in DC working at the time of the inauguration. He picked up some t-shirts for him and I. They are kelly green and say, "O'BAMA!" So on the actual inauguration day I put them on the kids and took a picture. I thought it was an appropriate way to mark the day for them.

SOOOO this year for Christmas Sean received a cardboard life size OBAMA from Wade (our bro in-law). We had loads of fun with him at my mom and dad's house at Christmas...he had a lot of hiding places that scared the crap out of all of us. He was in the picture of all our friends at our New Years Party. Currently he's standing in the corner of my kitchen still wearing his party hat!

It's awesome having him as a house guest. I only hope to meet the real deal some day.

*Side note: Sean worked on the Oprah Christmas at the White House special and got to meet the lovely Mrs. Obama and Oprah but has yet to meet Mr. President. Someday soon I'm sure he will. So jealous!

New Years Promises

I'm now almost 2 full days into the new year and I've already found myself lying in bed both mornings thinking of ALL my possible New Years promises to make to myself. I seem to over analyze my daily life from time to time so I'm going to make myself a huge promise this year...

Just be happy with the wonderful life I have and STOP over analyzing it!

I mean I've got it pretty good! A handsome, wonderful, stomachachingly hilarious husband! A son who is matching up to be as funny as his father, he's a total boy's boy but LOVES his Mom the most and a stinking adorable, totally sassy, baby doll and barbie (YEAH) loving, beautiful little girl! And don't let me leave out my first baby, lovable (unconditionally), sweetheart, softee Saddie Dog. LIFE IS GOOD!!! And I have the t-shirt to prove it!

So I'm on a new quest now after all my overthinking in the last 2 days. I'm going to challenge myself to do something everyday for a month. It will be a different thing every month. I'm also going to focus on spending more time with my friends. I have some pretty awesome friends and I'm really hoping to see them more this year.

For January, my PROMISE to me is this: walk Saddie everyday. Secretly it's a dual promise because I really want to get back in my exercise routine and I think this will at least kick start things. You see I really HATE to exercise but I also really HATE to feel like a fatty. So you see my internal dilema!

Anyway, so far so good on my promise for January.

Day 1: On New Year's Day (after cleaning up my house from our WTF are you wearing party on NYE) I got my butt up and stuck Clare in the stroller and walked Saddie for almost 2 miles.

Day 2: Today Sean had to work at 10 in DC, which means he has to leave the house by 8:30. So when his alarm went off @ 7 and I woke up in Aidan's bed with Clare next to me (every night here is a musical bed night) I heard Sean reset his alarm but I still got up. Knowing it was going to be a high of 33 degrees today (who knows what with the windchill) I didn't want to have to chance taking the kids out with me on my journey. I got up and changed and headed out. There's something about braving the cold that makes me really feel like I've accomplished something. So Saddie and I trudged on (black ice and all) in the whipping wind this morning and got back 20 minutes before Sean had to leave.

29 days to go...