Saturday, March 13, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are?

The movie is out On Demand and I've been so excited to watch it with Aidan. I've been telling him all week we can watch it this weekend. So last night when Maureen and Bel and Lisa, Lil and Grady were over Aidan decided he wanted to watch it.

Although I was excited to see it, I had some concerns how it would be done. The book is very simple and when read to a child in a certain way the Wild Things aren't quite so scary. I knew it might be a little bit much because of the length. Well, I was RIGHT! It begins with Max running around his house in costume, he then gets into an argument with his mother and runs away. That's when the movie starts to get really dark, I mean literally. The screen is very dark. While I thought the Wild Things were cute they were a little intimidating to Aidan. The first time they surrounded Max to "eat him up" Aidan was out!

I explained to him several times that it was only a movie and it doesn't really happen and it's pretend. He seemed okay last night, but tonight while we were sitting on the couch watching tv he asked me several times if we could NOT watch that movie again. Then kept asking me questions about why Max went to the place Where the Wild Things Are?

Oh Man! I think Mommy really messed up this time!

Sorry Buddy!!!

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