Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Battle of the Bands

When Aidan was a little baby I used to play kid CDs in the car. It was fun cause I'd sing along to them and he'd kind of bop around in his seat. Well one day while we were sitting together in the front seat waiting for Sean to come out of a store Aidan shoved some loose change in the CD player. Needless to say it was broken and that was all she wrote. No more kids music for this kid. Keep in mind he was only about 15 months old when this happened and I was pretty prego with Clare at the time. Oh and it was 3 cars ago.

From then on we'd either ride in the car without music or we'd listen to the radio. Now, I'm a kind of fair weather music fan. At the holidays I listen to Christmas music as soon as it hits the airways and ride it out til that last few stragglers are played around New Years. As for the rest of the year, you could randomly turn on my car radio to find any one of several types of music playing. We listen to classic rock, pop rock, boy bands, girl bands, rap, alternative, blue grass and even a country song from time to time. But my all time go to comfort zone is classic rock. I guess that's what I grew up on because there aren't a whole lot of songs that I hear for the first time now or that I don't partially know the words to.

Anyway, we started to jam out in the car after Clare was born and have been rockin ever since. That was two years and two cars ago. It used to be that I could control the radio and as long as I bopped my head around in the front seat everyone in the back was cool with the song choice.

Well NOT ANYMORE! Now every time I get the "I wanna dance" request it's followed by a screaming match from the back and now 3rd row seat. Aidan yells, "I want a rock and roll one!" While Clare screeches, "NO I want a girl song!" You see Aidan is convinced that, "girls don't sing rock and roll songs, just boys." So now we have to alternate, one rock and roll then one girl song. And if I have to scan to find one or the other I'm in trouble! But once in awhile we find one that is unanimously a hit and all is calm for 3 to 5 minutes as we bop away to the music.

Maybe I need a sirius radio for my Birthday?!


  1. This is classic! Forget the Sirius radio, get your kids ipods and headphones. That way they can listen to what they want and you can enjoy the silence! Actually, I am jealous that you get to listen to the radio. If I even attempt to listen to the radio in my car, the queen has a heart attack in the back.

  2. hilarious, you should get the car hookup for your iPod like we have, and then create a playlist alternating girlie and rock songs. you might get to noah's ark without an argument. we don't use the radio at all, we sing out loud. of course, my drive to daycare is all of 4 1/2 minutes so it works, hahaha.
