Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life Lesson #32

Today Aidan experienced another life lesson ( and so did I!).

We were at Wawa this morning getting gas and some snacks, the kids wanted to get some gum for Pop-Pop so we picked some out along with a mini reeses cup for each of them and Pop-Pop.

When we were paying for the snacks the girl said to me.. "You're the Nanny right? You can't be the mom."

WHAT!? Can I put you in my pocket and carry you around with me?! I'm immediately in LOVE with this girl! Little did I know it was going to come back to haunt me minutes later!

When we walked out the door I told Aidan to hold Clare's other hand so we could cross the parking lot all together. He was holding his hand over his mouth kind of laughing. When I questioned why his hand was like that, he moved it, only to reveal the piece of double bubble gum he just snagged from Wawa. I promptly ask, "What is that in your mouth?" "Gum" I say, "Wait a minute you didn't buy that and you didn't ask for that?"

Well needless to say we went back in (after a mini lecture on right and wrong/and me cursing under my breath because I haven't allotted time for this today) and he apologizes (to my now new best friend) for "taking it without asking" and pays for it. I then made him throw it in the trash.

He was embarrassed and I think a little bit proud all at the same time! UGH! And to think we want to rear another one of these! Wowza!

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I did this same exact thing with a tube of Life Savers when I was a kid. We got all the way home before Mom realized it and she drove me all the way back to the store, made me stand in line, made me explain what I did, and made me pay for it. I was only about 4 or 5 but I still remember that life lesson so consider this a GOOD DAY, Mama!
