Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'm feeling very BLAH these days! I feel like my life is in shambles... well not exactly, but seemingly. My house is a disaster area, I cannot seem to get a handle on my laundry situation! It's starting to come crawling back up the stairs from the basement in an attempt to smother me in pee-pee covered clothes! And as if that's not enough, the dust bunnies chase us out the door every morning.

I gave up sweets (pretty much all the good stuff - cake, ice cream, cookies, candy) for Lent!!!! So as much as it makes me feel good, I'm still bummin big time! I'm an addict, what can I say?!

And Saddie has been peeing on the brand new rug in the living room!


On the upside of things, I've been doing pretty well sticking to my healthier eating/exercise plan and my kids have been super well behaved and super duper fun the last few weeks. Oh and Sean's business is picking up and we got a letter in the mail over the weekend that our suburban is PAID OFF!

So in an effort to combat myself from sounding like a WAH WAH complaining little snit, I came home today with a brand new steam cleaner to clean up the dog pee. I cleaned my kitchen and moped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and put some laundry away. Life is good I was just having a moment! We all deserve one every once in awhile, right?!

1 comment:

  1. Right! Spring will be here soon, the UGHs will go away once Winter finally departs :)
