Sunday, March 28, 2010

Justice Always Prevails

I get a call at work on Thursday morning shortly before 9am, it's Sean.

He says, "Hey so there was no traffic this morning and I got here like an hour early so I decided to drive a couple of blocks over to grab a quick breakfast sandwich. When I come out I GOT BOOTED!"

Me: (hysterically laughing) "Well we've only been getting a letter in the mail every month from the District of Columbia."

Sean: "Well they caught me. Can you believe they booted me for only $300!"

Me: "Um yeah, it's been over a year since you got those tickets. DOY!"

Sean: "So I called Paul to ask him what to do, since this has happened to him too, and he said call the number on the back of the card and they will come within 2 hours and remove the boot. So now I am humping my gear 4 blocks to the job because I can't move my suburban yet!"

Hey, at least he can laugh about it! I would not have been as lighthearted as Sean was had this happened to me first thing in the morning. So later that night as he's retelling me the story he says, "Yeah and I thought I ran over a traffic cone or something because all I could see was the orange from the boot when I first walked out." LMAO

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