Sunday, March 28, 2010

What kind of NANA?

Aidan and Clare have 2 Nana's, a Papa and a Pop-Pop. Now Papa and Pop-Pop sound very similar to them, so to they think both sets of grandparents have the same names. At some point not too long ago I was having a conversation with Clare about "Nana coming over." To which she answered, "What kind of Nana?" "Um what do you mean what kind of Nana?" Clare says, "Nana Toni or the Nana at New York?"

Now, Aidan distinquishes his grandparents based on where they live. Nana and Pop-Pop (Healey) live at the beach and Nana and Papa (McDonough) live at New York. He used to call it New Nork which was way cute but now he says it the correct way.

So yesterday morning Maun, Wade and Ellie came to pick up Magoo and she said to the kids, "Have fun at your Nana and Pop-Pop's tonight." Aidan says, "Do you know our Nana?" Maureen says, "Yeah I know your Nana." Aidan says, "Our Nana, she's Toni. She lives at the beach. We have another Nana that doesn't have a name." Maureen and I look at each other and laugh, "What do you mean she doesn't have a name?" He says, "The one at New York is just Nana!" Maureen turns to me and says, "Yeah, I guess he's right no one calls her anything but Nana." Even Papa and all the other Dads call her Nana.

Sleeping In

That is what I'm supposed to be doing right now, SLEEPING IN! It's 8:20 am on Sunday. We went out to dinner to spend our superbowl winnings last night. Aidan and Clare aren't even home! They spent the night at Nana and Pop-Pop's house and I have been up since 7:30! I mean it's still nice to be up and not have to move from the couch every 3 minutes to get something for someone, but still!

Here's the real problem, Sean is still sleeping hardcore and that means I'm going to have to wait for himto wake up before we go out to breakfast! Oh well, I guess I'll just sit back and enjoy the silence!

Justice Always Prevails

I get a call at work on Thursday morning shortly before 9am, it's Sean.

He says, "Hey so there was no traffic this morning and I got here like an hour early so I decided to drive a couple of blocks over to grab a quick breakfast sandwich. When I come out I GOT BOOTED!"

Me: (hysterically laughing) "Well we've only been getting a letter in the mail every month from the District of Columbia."

Sean: "Well they caught me. Can you believe they booted me for only $300!"

Me: "Um yeah, it's been over a year since you got those tickets. DOY!"

Sean: "So I called Paul to ask him what to do, since this has happened to him too, and he said call the number on the back of the card and they will come within 2 hours and remove the boot. So now I am humping my gear 4 blocks to the job because I can't move my suburban yet!"

Hey, at least he can laugh about it! I would not have been as lighthearted as Sean was had this happened to me first thing in the morning. So later that night as he's retelling me the story he says, "Yeah and I thought I ran over a traffic cone or something because all I could see was the orange from the boot when I first walked out." LMAO

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The "Good" Smell

Last week I got an email, one of those chain kind of getting to know you things. This one was my type though, short and sweet. You had to answer 5 questions with four answers. For example, four things you watch on tv.

Now I'm a pretty decisive person on the spot, but if I really start to think about something I realize I may have answered a different way, given more time. One of the "questions" really intrigued me, name 4 of your favorite smells.

Well, I answered sawdust, my kids when they are sleeping, fresh cut grass and white musk for the following reasons:

1.sawdust: reminds me of my dad kids sleeping: something about their breath and blankies combined that I love
3.cut grass: reminds me of being a kid
4.white musk: reminds me of my mom

I then got back a couple of peoples responses and when I read them thought, "Oh yeah, that's a good one too!"

Like these:

the earth after it rains in the summer (Kerry)

the "good" smell - a fireplace in the winter or fall (Maureen)

chlorine (Lisa)

Then I was lying in bed that morning at 4:30 not able to fall back asleep and thought of some more and then talked to Maun that morning and came up with this list:

a new box of crayons
a brand new baby
Sean's pillow
my nursery school
coppertone sunscreen- not the coconut one
a new car
when it's about to snow
a car heating up in the winter
pampers newborn diapers
Aunt Claire and Uncle Matt's house
the Maskiells house
the attic at Bennett Place in the summer
boat engine fumes
salt water
onions and olive oil sauteing in a pan
Christmas trees
wet leaves
honeysuckle in bloom
pizza boxes
plain chapstick
shalimar perfume
bbq chicken on the grill
kids paints
sausage & peppers

Sooooo... what are your favorite smells?????

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Where the Wild Things Are?

The movie is out On Demand and I've been so excited to watch it with Aidan. I've been telling him all week we can watch it this weekend. So last night when Maureen and Bel and Lisa, Lil and Grady were over Aidan decided he wanted to watch it.

Although I was excited to see it, I had some concerns how it would be done. The book is very simple and when read to a child in a certain way the Wild Things aren't quite so scary. I knew it might be a little bit much because of the length. Well, I was RIGHT! It begins with Max running around his house in costume, he then gets into an argument with his mother and runs away. That's when the movie starts to get really dark, I mean literally. The screen is very dark. While I thought the Wild Things were cute they were a little intimidating to Aidan. The first time they surrounded Max to "eat him up" Aidan was out!

I explained to him several times that it was only a movie and it doesn't really happen and it's pretend. He seemed okay last night, but tonight while we were sitting on the couch watching tv he asked me several times if we could NOT watch that movie again. Then kept asking me questions about why Max went to the place Where the Wild Things Are?

Oh Man! I think Mommy really messed up this time!

Sorry Buddy!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Battle of the Bands

When Aidan was a little baby I used to play kid CDs in the car. It was fun cause I'd sing along to them and he'd kind of bop around in his seat. Well one day while we were sitting together in the front seat waiting for Sean to come out of a store Aidan shoved some loose change in the CD player. Needless to say it was broken and that was all she wrote. No more kids music for this kid. Keep in mind he was only about 15 months old when this happened and I was pretty prego with Clare at the time. Oh and it was 3 cars ago.

From then on we'd either ride in the car without music or we'd listen to the radio. Now, I'm a kind of fair weather music fan. At the holidays I listen to Christmas music as soon as it hits the airways and ride it out til that last few stragglers are played around New Years. As for the rest of the year, you could randomly turn on my car radio to find any one of several types of music playing. We listen to classic rock, pop rock, boy bands, girl bands, rap, alternative, blue grass and even a country song from time to time. But my all time go to comfort zone is classic rock. I guess that's what I grew up on because there aren't a whole lot of songs that I hear for the first time now or that I don't partially know the words to.

Anyway, we started to jam out in the car after Clare was born and have been rockin ever since. That was two years and two cars ago. It used to be that I could control the radio and as long as I bopped my head around in the front seat everyone in the back was cool with the song choice.

Well NOT ANYMORE! Now every time I get the "I wanna dance" request it's followed by a screaming match from the back and now 3rd row seat. Aidan yells, "I want a rock and roll one!" While Clare screeches, "NO I want a girl song!" You see Aidan is convinced that, "girls don't sing rock and roll songs, just boys." So now we have to alternate, one rock and roll then one girl song. And if I have to scan to find one or the other I'm in trouble! But once in awhile we find one that is unanimously a hit and all is calm for 3 to 5 minutes as we bop away to the music.

Maybe I need a sirius radio for my Birthday?!

Mr. Literal strikes again

Dinner was leftovers tonight. We had a bunch of stuff in the fridge that I wanted to get rid of before it got yucky so we had a little bit of a lot of different things for dinner.

Clare picked meatballs and leftover pizza. Aidan picked meatballs and General Tso's chicken and rice. I had a piece of lemon pepper fish, tomato and broccoli salad and a pita. Sean had the rest of the shrimp parm and spaghetti. All in all not a bad spread as leftovers go.

So, as I'm convincing Aidan that the chicken and rice that I mixed together actually is plain rice with chicken, I tell him, "You need to finish everything on your plate or you don't get an ice pop for dessert." To which Mr. Literal responds, "It's not a plate it's a bowl."

I turn back on one heel, chuckle and add, "Well you've got me there. So you need to finish everything in your bowl, or no dessert!"

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I'm feeling very BLAH these days! I feel like my life is in shambles... well not exactly, but seemingly. My house is a disaster area, I cannot seem to get a handle on my laundry situation! It's starting to come crawling back up the stairs from the basement in an attempt to smother me in pee-pee covered clothes! And as if that's not enough, the dust bunnies chase us out the door every morning.

I gave up sweets (pretty much all the good stuff - cake, ice cream, cookies, candy) for Lent!!!! So as much as it makes me feel good, I'm still bummin big time! I'm an addict, what can I say?!

And Saddie has been peeing on the brand new rug in the living room!


On the upside of things, I've been doing pretty well sticking to my healthier eating/exercise plan and my kids have been super well behaved and super duper fun the last few weeks. Oh and Sean's business is picking up and we got a letter in the mail over the weekend that our suburban is PAID OFF!

So in an effort to combat myself from sounding like a WAH WAH complaining little snit, I came home today with a brand new steam cleaner to clean up the dog pee. I cleaned my kitchen and moped the floor, cleaned the bathroom and put some laundry away. Life is good I was just having a moment! We all deserve one every once in awhile, right?!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Mr. Literal VS. Ms. Imagination

That's what should have been the name of my blog! Our kids could not be more different. If Clare says the sky looks kind of pink today (because the sun is setting or just because that's how she sees it) Aidan immediatly comes back with... "No Cware the sky is BLUE!"

I think it's so funny how they are both so different and not just because they are boy and girl but they see the world through totally different eyes/minds. It's actually pretty cool!

Maybe I'll start a second blog and title it Mr. Literal VS. Ms. Imagination and only report on all the differences they mention in their daily conversations.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Life Lesson #32

Today Aidan experienced another life lesson ( and so did I!).

We were at Wawa this morning getting gas and some snacks, the kids wanted to get some gum for Pop-Pop so we picked some out along with a mini reeses cup for each of them and Pop-Pop.

When we were paying for the snacks the girl said to me.. "You're the Nanny right? You can't be the mom."

WHAT!? Can I put you in my pocket and carry you around with me?! I'm immediately in LOVE with this girl! Little did I know it was going to come back to haunt me minutes later!

When we walked out the door I told Aidan to hold Clare's other hand so we could cross the parking lot all together. He was holding his hand over his mouth kind of laughing. When I questioned why his hand was like that, he moved it, only to reveal the piece of double bubble gum he just snagged from Wawa. I promptly ask, "What is that in your mouth?" "Gum" I say, "Wait a minute you didn't buy that and you didn't ask for that?"

Well needless to say we went back in (after a mini lecture on right and wrong/and me cursing under my breath because I haven't allotted time for this today) and he apologizes (to my now new best friend) for "taking it without asking" and pays for it. I then made him throw it in the trash.

He was embarrassed and I think a little bit proud all at the same time! UGH! And to think we want to rear another one of these! Wowza!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Love me some me

The other day Clare and I were in her room. As usual I was trying to get her dressed and she was bouncing around in front of me. She starts saying, I like Momo, I like Uncle Wade, I like Bel, I like Bud-Bud. I like Saddie, I love Daddy, I love you and Aidan and I L-O-V-E me!

Our own little T.O. - "Love me some me!"

Gotta love a girl with self-confidence.