Monday, February 15, 2010

This Party is OFFICIALLY over...

When the holidays come around each year I basically throw away any type of self control I have over food and drinks. I give into what little will power I have and ride the fat kid train all the way to New Years. And this year was no different than any other. Especially because we were in NY for Christmas and I really cannot control myself up there. It's an all out party from the day we arrive until the day we depart. But I must say well worth the workouts later!

New Years came along and I was ready and equipped with a plan of action. I would walk Saddie all of January (mission accomplished) and in February start to kick the exercise plan into high gear so when the shorts/bathing suit weather arrived in 2010 I'd be more than ready. Now normally this is not a problem considering we live in the mid-Atlantic where most of the winter might as well be April because it's so mild.

Low and behold, this year I stand corrected to say the least! We have endured 2 full blown blizzards already and one other significant storm before the blizzards even arrived. So now that we have 3 feet of snow melting all around us and then re-freezing it's making my motivation sink quickly. Lucky for me, Maureen and I have successfully given up all sweets for the full lenten season the past 2 years. Of course, Lent barely ends and the gloves come off and we dive right back in. But it has proven to be a great jumping off point for the winter pound shedding.

Tomorrow is Mardi Gras and that means I've got one more day of the fat girl party and that's IT! I'm going to sew my lips together until my birthday! I managed to gain about 2-3 pounds at Christmas and another 3 during the back to back blizzards. Wow! Embarrassing but I have to say I'm pretty impressed that the damage wasn't more! Luckily I can still fit into my pants. Albeit, not that comfortably for some pairs but I can still squeeze them on.

SO tomorrow is my last day of junk food and then I'm going to start my "Perfect 10in 2010" plan. I'm not quite sure what that is going to be yet, but I'm sure I'll keep you posted!

1 comment:

  1. i'm with ya, girl! come with me on sunday march 21st to the local food event and "fresh" movie screening in annapolis! guaranteed to get you on track :)
