Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Add this to the list...

When it snows everyone panics and floods the grocery stores. It happened here last Thursday and Friday, it's happening again today because it's supposed to snow again tonight.

Many people's lists consist of bread, milk, and toilet paper. Ours consists of those 3 things and much more - snacks, apple juice, hot dogs, frozen pizza, actually, anything frozen that's not healthy for you, dessert stuff, and beer, beer, beer! I don't usually panic about the food stuff except for the milk, chocolate syrup and apple juice because those are the only things the kids drink. I always figure we'll get to the store the day after the storm and pick up the other stuff.

For this recent storm(s) we were very prepared. I went to the store early and avoided the lines so we had it all. But on Friday afternoon I was taking the trash out and thought, "Wait, do we have enough trash bags????" I usually buy those in bulk so I don't notice I'm low until it's almost too late. Lucky for us we had a whole roll cause we have had lots of trash this weekend.

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