Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Third Muskateer

When I look back on my childhood I have tons of wonderful memories. We spent lots of time with our huge family who all (for the most part) lived in Amityville too. It was great! I can remember millions of parties in various backyards around town, where the adults would stand around and talk and laugh and tell stories of their childhood. All the while the children would run around like lunatics. We would play tag, wiffle ball, and running bases, kick ball, drink tons of generic soda either our of a can or a 3 liter bottle in blue ribbed plastic cups and constantly laugh!

We also spent a lot of time with our other "Aunts and Uncles". They were my parents friends who we called "Aunt and Uncle" too - Aunt Diane, Uncle Bill, Aunt Linda, Uncle Dave, Aunt Ellen, Uncle Don. As if we didn't have enough of those and didn't need help deciphering who was who... we had another whole group of non-blood related "aunts and uncles." Those families were the Reins, Hellers, and McVeetys. We would get our Christmas trees with them, go to the pumpkin patch, go to Amityville beach to take swimming lessons, go to the Cedar Overlook (the ocean beach), and have bbq at each others houses. All the kids were about the same ages so it worked out great for the parents...lots of fun and lots of arguing (ha ha!). Here's the break down of the same ages.

Kerry McDonough, Michael Heller and Laura McVeety - all 3 years older than me
Darren McVeety - 1 year older than me
Maureen McDonough, Erin McDonough, Billy Rein, Chrissy Heller - same age
Kelly Rein - 2 years younger than me
Jenny McDonough, Amy Heller - 3 years younger than me
Mickey McDonough - 5 years younger than me

As time passed and we all got older, we all got involved in other things so we kind of grew apart. We (Maureen and I) ended up living with Kelly Rein when she was in college at Towson and we were working in MD after college. It was a blast! Lots of funny stories...for another post. Anyway, Kel and Maun lived very close to each other for a couple of years. Kel and Greg moved about a year ago a little further down the road but they still see each other all the time. (which I'm TOTALLY jealous of) Kel and Greg have Quinn who is a totally adorable 2 year old. Ellie and Quinn love to play together and so do my kids when we actually get together. We are starting our own little group of "aunts and uncles" down here... keeping it in the family so to speak...ha ha!

Well, yesterday I got some great news... Kelly and Greg Murphy are the proud parents of a little girl. Molly Grace Murphy was born yesterday afternoon, in between the blizzards. So now the mini-me trio is complete! Ellie, Clare and Molly will someday be the new Maureen, Erin and Kelly. Molly is almost exactly the age difference from Clare as Kelly is from me. HOW COOL IS THAT?!

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