Thursday, February 18, 2010

The 4 wheel test

Last weekend we went down to Pat and Mary's house for the night. We haven't seen them in a while and needed to get out of dodge for the night so we headed down Saturday afternoon. We planned to grill some delicious ribeye steaks and hang out. We arrived around 5 Saturday afternoon and just hung out. The kids took their positions on the couch with their toys and antagonized Regan for the next few hours. The adults just hung in the kitchen, chatting and enjoying some bloody marys. We had a great evening of yummy food and great conversation. Around 11 or so the kids started to fall asleep on the couch so I took them up to bed. We were spending the night in Ian's room on the 3rd floor. Ian was at a sleepover party for the night. His room has not only a full or queen bed but also a really comfy futon.

The kids and I got settled in on the futon and didn't wake up til morning. I walked into the bathroom with Aidan when he woke up. As I stood there waiting for him to pee I was looking out the window. It's really quite a view from their 3rd floor. Pat and Mary purchased Sean's old blue pick up truck from his dad a few years ago. So as I stood in the window I started to giggle to myself thinking "Oh, I bet that old truck is buried in this snow!" I looked around the front yard and as I turned to my right I noticed a vehicle in their driveway. I turned my head thinking "oh there's the truck." I quickly realized that it's NOT the truck... it's my brand new PATHFINDER! It was sitting a little ways up Pat and Mary's driveway. Which by the way had not been plowed because there was a snow drift on it so they have been using their neighbors driveway. I basically bolted out of the bathroom and started in on Sean. "Oh Seeaann. What the hell is my car doing stuck at the end of the driveway in the snow?" Sean: "he he he, Uh Pat and I went down to Gateway ( local bar) last night and I wanted to show Pat our 4 wheel drive." Me: "Well you better get downstairs and get your ASS a shovel cause you're diggin my car OUT!"

He got up and headed downstairs while I waited for Clare to wake up. He and Pat got a friend of Pat's to come down with his farm equipment to get them out. What do you mean them? Well I guess late night when this all transpired Pat went up the driveway and got Mary's suburban to try to give my car a little push to get it out. Well guess what? They were both STUCK! So Posey came over to free the fools cars from the snow drift of a driveway. As we watched out the windows we finally saw 2 free cars and 2 sorry asses walking up the driveway with shovels in hand. As Mary and I shared a good laugh from the warmth of the house she headed out with her camera to document the evidence of dumbassedness.

After she took the picture and headed back toward the house Pat called her back to show her what really happened. The chain they were using on Posey's escalade to pull the suburban out snapped off the escalade and smashed into the back window of Mary's suburban. He showed her the window and she flipped out. I think she seemed calm since I later told Sean that if it were my new car that had the window smashed in as a result of their stupidity he would have been walking home to Edgewater from Broomes Island! Only to find out that I changed the locks on him. HA HA! Lucky for Mary that suburban is 12 years old and she's now closer than ever to getting her new car. I guess from now on we have to HIDE the keys when these 2 ding dongs are together!!!!

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