Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sweet Saddie Dog

Currently there are a lot of things going on in our lives... kids starting new classes, Sean getting busier at work, Me getting busier at work, house on the market, and now my first baby is sick!

About 2 weeks ago I noticed that Saddie was peeing much more often than normal. I mean this is a dog who has a full bowl of water all the time because she drinks exclusively from the toilet. She's had several accidents in the house over the last few months (pee), but we just thought it was because we weren't taking her out enough later at night. Well, I finally (sorry ole girl) got around to calling the vet and Sean took her in last Tuesday. They did a culture and found a UTI. No biggie, just a long dose of antibiotics and she's cured. Well then they called me to say they want to send the culture out to the lab to be sure the meds they gave her are the right kind, but that will be another expense. "Are you in position to do that right now?" Well lady, this dog has been by my side when both my babies came home, no matter how moody I've been pregnant or post, and for all the stuff in between. Not to mention she's only 7 years old and she's got a heart murmur. So YES I'll make myself in a position to be able to afford that right now.

She seemed to be doing fine on the meds, until Saturday when Maureen was here and noticed blood in Saddie's urine when she was peeing in the yard. I called the vet back on Monday and they said bring her in Tuesday for an x-ray. Sean took her in and they found a rather large stone in her bladder. It's basically a calcium deposit that cannot be broken down with a simple diet change. MY POOR BABY! I had no idea, she seems totally herself. She's going in on Wednesday for surgery to have the stone removed. Man, I guess the stresses of being a Mom just keep coming!

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