Thursday, August 12, 2010

a first DATE

Lately it seems that whenever Sean and I each take one kid on our weekend "adventures" it's boys against girls. On Saturday, Clare and I went to starbucks then headed down to Toni's house to do some canning - will post that soon. As much fun as I have with Clare, it seems like I don't really get much alone time with Aidan.

So when we got home that afternoon, I asked Aidan if he'd go on a date with me on Sunday after mass. To which he quickly agreed and began making his plans. Every once in a while that night he come over to me and tell me another detail of our "date" on Sunday. "So it's my special day with you and I can make the plans right?"

Sunday morning he's sitting there watching tv and says to me, "Hey Mom, how can we go on a date when we're not even in love?" Ha ha! This kid is hilarious!

After mass, we dropped of Sean and Clare and headed out. First stop, K-mart to spend all his "allowance" money on a couple of storm troopers- cause now it's all about star wars. Second stop, Squisito for a slice and a soda. He walks up to the counter, unbuttons the pocket of his shirt, looks at me and then the pizza guy and says, "I got this Mom," as he pulls a $10 bill out. (Sean gave him the money and told him to do that... it was priceless) We sat and talked and hung out. It was great! Then I had to drag him to the grocery store where he shook me down for a few things.

The day was super great but the best part, the thing that still makes my heart smile, was when we walked out of Safeway and he turns to me and says, "Hey Mom, it was great having a date with you today."

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