Thursday, August 12, 2010

America's favorite past time

Well folks, we are officially NATS fans in this house! We are all about DC! We've LOVED the Redskins - through thick and thin - and so we'll love the Nationals the same. Actually when I say we, I mean Sean. He's the avid sports fan in the house. (We are about to embark on anther year of fantasy football in a week or so...oui va) So almost every night, because evidently baseball teams don't get much of a break in-season, we have the Nationals game (deafeningly loud) on tv in the living room. He's happy when they win and pissed when they don't.

It's really starting to make me have to pay attention to it because it's the only thing on most of the time. And I'm not really the kind of girl who likes to admit that she likes sports. Truth be told, I actually like that Sean's into baseball because I do feel a stroke of nostalgia when I hear the bat crack against the ball, the little silly songs/cheers the fans do in the stadium and the same old announcer voice calling the plays. It reminds me of listening to games on the radio in an uncles garages, my fathers car, or at backyard bbqs growing up.

But I mean, come on does baseball have to overlap football? Come on people, can't a girl catch a break around here??? Ha ha!

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