Wednesday, August 4, 2010


This past weekend we went to the best place on earth, in my humble opinion, Amityville, NY. The kids and I drove up on Friday morning and Sean flew up on Saturday. (The reason for this trip was to take my Mom and Dad out to dinner for their 60th birthdays.)

Once we arrived there Friday morning, we basically dropped off our bags and headed to Unqua... the Yacht club they belong to. The kids love this place for 3 reasons: cousins, diving board and snack bar (aka: ice cream). It's awesome at Unqua! I spent much of my childhood there, the first swim meet I ever won was there and the first job I ever had was there as I lifeguard. Most importantly, Sean and I had our wedding reception there. And now our kids are totally in love with this place. They fall right into place there, they find new friends and forget who their parents are pretty quickly. That night we had happy hour, pizza and a dance party at Papa and Nana's house then finished off the night at the tiki bar next door at Wayne and Karen's house.

Saturday morning, Clare went birthday shopping with Nana at Target. Aidan hung out with Matty, Emma, Maeve, Luke and Colum, Momo, Uncle Mickey and Aunt Jenny at the house while I took Ellie with me to the airport to pick up Sean. (At least one of the kids likes When we got back from the airport Sean went to OTB with Mike and we all hung out at the house. We swam in the canal and played in the yard all afternoon. All us adults went to dinner at this great Italian restaurant in town and Aidan, Clare and Ellie stayed with my cuz Mary. We had a blast at dinner! It was so much fun to all be out together with no kids... the last time we did this was at a wedding in 2004! Sad but true!

Sunday we all piled on Tim's boat and he did shuttle runs back and forth to Gilgo beach! It was such a gorgeous day at the beach the kids were swimming and building sand castles all day!

All in all, another incredibly awesome summer weekend in Amityville! I wonder if it would be as much fun if we lived there... wait I used to live there and it was that much fun!!!!

Our own little summerland!

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