Wednesday, August 25, 2010

4 going on 14

Last weekend Aidan had a birthday party for one of his best friends. He and this particular friend have been planning and plotting for months to have a playdate/sleepover/sneak out party. So when his Dad called and said they were having a birthday party and Aidan was invited I couldn't say no. That afternoon, literally 10 minutes before we were leaving, I checked my email for their address and found a new email from the boy's dad. It was an invite for Aidan to sleepover that night. Sean and I briefly talked about it, so I packed his bag and sleeping bag just in case. On the way there I talked to Aidan about it and he came to the conclusion that since I couldn't spend the night too that he wasn't ready yet. I just left it at that. Once we got to the party I barely saw Aidan. Lucky for me this boys parents are super cool, otherwise I would have been itchin to get out of there. About 2 hours after we got there I went in to check on him and he says to me, "I thought you said you were going to only stay for a couple of minutes?" (OUCH!) To that his friend replied, "Oh, I know Aidan you're spending the night tonight." Aidan quickly says, "Yeah, I'm spending the night." Oh Really?! I'm thinking. I ask if he's sure and he tells me YES! So I go talk to the Mom and she's cool with it. I tell her they can call me all night if need be. Well, as the title of the post says.... 4 going on 14! Our boy passed out, slept ALL night on his face and didn't even need to wear a pull up to bed. I, on the other hand, woke up every 1-2 hours after a dream about him. I don't think I'm going to make it through the real teen years! Sean and I were super proud of our big boy though!

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