Monday, May 17, 2010

Quite a performance

Saturday was absolutely B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L here. We had bright blue skies with big puffy white clouds and a warm sun shining! I spent most of the early morning cleaning in the house and then when Sean was finished mowing the lawn we all headed outside for some good ole fun in the sun.

Sean was doing yard work, the kids were running around in the sprinkler and I was tending to our bountiful veggie garden- well bountiful is a stretch but it's coming along nicely. Sean decided to make a run to the dump and the grocery store, so it was just the kids and I. Clare wanted to have a pic-a-nic with her tea set and towel. Aidan was onboard with the picnic so he ran inside to get some strawberries and blueberries for our snack with tea. We sat on the towel and sipped our dirty, grass-filled, "tea" and ate our berries.

During our feast, Aidan decided he needed to put on a "show" for us girls as we ate. So he grabbed his Ninja Turtle staff (Donatello's weapon of choice) and began to "sing" his rock and roll song while he performed his ninja moves with the staff. His songs consisted of lines like, "If you don't listen to your Mom and Dad, then you won't get to play with your toys" and "Then you have to smack the water, and you keep smacking the water" as he slapped the staff in the baby pool. Then Clare needed a turn performing. She got her princess dress and did her little song and dance across the yard. She would hum this little tune and Sean swears she sang "the circle of life" as she held her hands up in a circle around her head.

It was PRICELESS!!!! They both took turns, Aidan yelled at Sean for laughing at Clare, they clapped for each other and helped each other. I could not have thought of a better way to spend the day with my 3 favorite people!

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