Monday, May 17, 2010


Now, I'm sure I've mentioned once or twice that I absolutely loathe laundry! It is the bain of my existence. Unfortunately, our 4 wardrobes alone could clothe half of this town, so I can get away with not doing laundry every day or even every other day. I tend to let it pile up until it almost swallows Saddie whole and then I get started on the task.

Yesterday we had a couple of friends come over for an early happy hour. When everyone left around 8:00 I decided I should just throw a quick load of laundry in to get ahead this week.
Insert Disclaimer: You know how some medications and alcohol say on them don't operate heavy machinery under the influence, well that should be posted on my washing machine!

You see, we have an older house so some things are a little complicated. For instance, the pump connected to the wash basin sink that sits next to the washing machine, where the water from the wash drains. Well Aidan had a bathing suit in the laundry pile that I decided to wash but it was worn at the beach the other day so it had sand in the pocket. So I just dumped the pocket out in the wash basin. NO, NO, NO! BIG mistake!

Little did I know when I went down to put the load in the dryer I'd come to find out that the pump didn't work with this load and the wash basin was full and would NOT drain. Uh-OH! So I call up for Sean and he thought I said, "The Basement is full of water" but I said, "the basin is full of water".

Long story short, I made a big no-no when I poured that sand in the sink. It clogged the pump, burned it out so it stopped working and Sean spent 7 hours today fixing it. Which I might add he is very good at and very well versed since it's like the 5th kind of pump he's had to replace in the last 6 years. He took the whole thing apart, had to break up the pebbles with a hammer and a screwdriver and put it back together and guess what???? It works! I don't know whether to be happy or sad. On one hand I'm happy because now I can do laundry, but on the other hand I'm bummed because now I can do laundry!

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