Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Let the fresh veggies begin..

This year Toni and I joined a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Farm. We bought a share together and each week we go and pick up the veggies. Today was the first pick up day. The kids and I went after work. On the way there, Aidan asked me if it was the same farm where we went down the sand road and met the "really nice lady" and I picked out veggies. We joined 2 years ago for the fall harvest and he still remembers when we picked up then!

Today we got romaine, mixed Asian greens, pac choy, arugula and radishes. Tonight we sauteed the mixed Asian greens in teriyaki, garlic and olive oil and ate it with a yummy teriyaki steak! Delicious. The only rule (for Sean) to joining the farm is that we have to use all the veggies each week. So I guess we'll be trying out some new recipes!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Check it off the LIST

Well I don't exactly have a bucket list, number 1 because I'm too young and number 2 because I can barely plan my weekends much less where I want to go/see before I die. With that being said, I got an email sometime back in the winter that my cuz Mary wanted all of us to go out to Vegas for her 30th birthday in May.

My initial reaction was... HELL YEAH! I mean come on, who in their right mind would NOT want to go to Vegas at least once in their life, much less accompanied by some of my fav crazies! Well it all came to fruition this past weekend and let me just say it was (insert curse word) AWESOME! VIVA LAS VEGAS!!!! I would definately go back there again if approached by the right group of people, but for now I'm saying I can check that off my list of places to go in life.

It's the most insane place I've ever been. The people were as completely outrageous as I'd heard and it was well worth seeing first hand. I loved everything from the devil with his butt hanging out in platforms on the street, to the architecture to the crazy hoochies everywhere.

My sister Maureen (who I used "borrowed" the idea to start my own blog) listed the things she learned in Vegas... and believe me it was hilarious! Here are some of my highlights:

I had my first beer at 12:30pm on Friday and didn't stop til I bumped into a lady at the pool and asked Maureen to walk me up the room at around 5:30pm. Slept from then til 12 when I woke up to eat my tacos and then pass out again til 2:30 am when I woke up for the day.

At 2:30 am Maureen, Jenny and I went to the casino with Mary for her last hoorah as a 29 year old. She went to bed and we went over to NY, NY casino and walked around, went to CVS on the strip at 3:30 in the morning and then went back to the room where we got Mom. Went to starbucks and got her a coffee, met some brits from "Mansfield" in the hallway, where my Mom gave out one special "proper mum cuddle" (insert a really good british accent)... can't do it justice writing it.. but a pants wettingly hilarious meeting!

Got breakfast in "Paris", went to the pool and out to dinner at Caesar's Palace, saw the fountain show at Bellagio and gambled the slots. Pretty much stayed up for 24 hours Saturday. Went to bed, got up and had breakfast in "NY, NY and then got on a plane and came home.

I had a stomach ache til Monday from all the laughing I did.... Maureen flooded the bathroom from the shower, we had a pair of dirty guys underwear hanging from the bathroom door when we checked into our hotel, stayed in a hotel where lions live, peed my pants- literally, met spiderman, batman, slayed Darth Vader with a Light Saber, hit Superman over the head with an inflatable hammer, saw Edward ScissorHands (all on the strip), was brought to tears by the fountain show at the Bellagio, lost $60 playing slots and saw more hoochies in one place than I have in a long, long time! On the flight there saw the Rocky Mountains and Grand Canyon from the plane! Got to celebrate my Rock Star cousin Mary's 30th birthday in Fabulous Las Vegas, Nevada!

All in all, an unbelievable trip! Loved every second of it!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New phone...finally

I got a new phone last week. My last new phone was purchased almost exactly 3 years ago when I was pregnant with Clare and Aidan was only about 15 months old. I (shamefully) used to give Aidan my cell phone to play with while in the grocery store or other places where I needed to keep him busy. Well after many months of him chewing and slobbering all over it, if finally crapped out. So I got a new phone. Well after 3 years and 2 dunks in the toilet I got another new phone. This time the only criteria was a texting phone. So Sean (my hero) went to the Verizon store last week (mostly because he needed a new phone) and got me a new one. And I totally LOVE it!!! Sadly enough, at this rate I've had more new cars in the last 3 years than new phones... I think the current car and phone I have are gonna have to last me for a LONG time!!!!

Monday, May 17, 2010


Now, I'm sure I've mentioned once or twice that I absolutely loathe laundry! It is the bain of my existence. Unfortunately, our 4 wardrobes alone could clothe half of this town, so I can get away with not doing laundry every day or even every other day. I tend to let it pile up until it almost swallows Saddie whole and then I get started on the task.

Yesterday we had a couple of friends come over for an early happy hour. When everyone left around 8:00 I decided I should just throw a quick load of laundry in to get ahead this week.
Insert Disclaimer: You know how some medications and alcohol say on them don't operate heavy machinery under the influence, well that should be posted on my washing machine!

You see, we have an older house so some things are a little complicated. For instance, the pump connected to the wash basin sink that sits next to the washing machine, where the water from the wash drains. Well Aidan had a bathing suit in the laundry pile that I decided to wash but it was worn at the beach the other day so it had sand in the pocket. So I just dumped the pocket out in the wash basin. NO, NO, NO! BIG mistake!

Little did I know when I went down to put the load in the dryer I'd come to find out that the pump didn't work with this load and the wash basin was full and would NOT drain. Uh-OH! So I call up for Sean and he thought I said, "The Basement is full of water" but I said, "the basin is full of water".

Long story short, I made a big no-no when I poured that sand in the sink. It clogged the pump, burned it out so it stopped working and Sean spent 7 hours today fixing it. Which I might add he is very good at and very well versed since it's like the 5th kind of pump he's had to replace in the last 6 years. He took the whole thing apart, had to break up the pebbles with a hammer and a screwdriver and put it back together and guess what???? It works! I don't know whether to be happy or sad. On one hand I'm happy because now I can do laundry, but on the other hand I'm bummed because now I can do laundry!

Quite a performance

Saturday was absolutely B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L here. We had bright blue skies with big puffy white clouds and a warm sun shining! I spent most of the early morning cleaning in the house and then when Sean was finished mowing the lawn we all headed outside for some good ole fun in the sun.

Sean was doing yard work, the kids were running around in the sprinkler and I was tending to our bountiful veggie garden- well bountiful is a stretch but it's coming along nicely. Sean decided to make a run to the dump and the grocery store, so it was just the kids and I. Clare wanted to have a pic-a-nic with her tea set and towel. Aidan was onboard with the picnic so he ran inside to get some strawberries and blueberries for our snack with tea. We sat on the towel and sipped our dirty, grass-filled, "tea" and ate our berries.

During our feast, Aidan decided he needed to put on a "show" for us girls as we ate. So he grabbed his Ninja Turtle staff (Donatello's weapon of choice) and began to "sing" his rock and roll song while he performed his ninja moves with the staff. His songs consisted of lines like, "If you don't listen to your Mom and Dad, then you won't get to play with your toys" and "Then you have to smack the water, and you keep smacking the water" as he slapped the staff in the baby pool. Then Clare needed a turn performing. She got her princess dress and did her little song and dance across the yard. She would hum this little tune and Sean swears she sang "the circle of life" as she held her hands up in a circle around her head.

It was PRICELESS!!!! They both took turns, Aidan yelled at Sean for laughing at Clare, they clapped for each other and helped each other. I could not have thought of a better way to spend the day with my 3 favorite people!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Daily Routines

It's taken some time now but we are finally in a pretty good routine in the mornings. I wake up early (and God willing- exercise) and the kids wake up around 6:30-7:00. Pretty much as soon as they wake up, I get them dressed for the day. Then I get in the shower and get myself ready then pack my lunch, drinks and snacks for them in the car. They just kind of hang out in the morning. Get their drinks/snacks on their own and hang out watching tv and playing with their toys. About 20 minutes before we leave I warn them, "We're brushing teeth and getting shoes on in 5 minutes."

Usually, this is a source of contention so I have to follow up the 5 minute warning with a 3, then 2 minute warning. So this morning I make the announcement, and I hear Aidan from the playroom call out, "YEAH, YEAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH!" As I chuckle to Sean walking past him I grab the empty plastic strawberry container and smack Aidan on the head with it as I walk out to the recycle bin, and say, "YEAH, YEAH, BLAH, BLAH, BLAH YOURSELF!"

That Little PUNK! It looks like my works cut out for me with not only Clare but Aidan too!!!

Unseasonably COLD

Well, almost EXACTLY a month ago, I was posting that we were at Selby beach enjoying an unseasonably HOT day! NOW I'm whining because it's 25 degrees below normal. Ironically enough, 3 months ago this day we were all (in MD anyway) crying the blues because we'd just finished our second dumping of 2+ feet of snow! So, I guess what my advice to myself is... get over it! We are never satisfied with the weather. It's like people with curly hair want straight and visa versa!

I'm still gonna complain though because we planted a veggie garden already and I'm a little worried about the 40 degree weather tonight. Guess we'll wait and see. Hey, I'm happy about the rain though, one less day I have to drag the hose all over my yard!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Papa WHAT?

Today we passed by Papa John's pizza and Aidan says, "Hey look, there's a pizza store. It's Papa John's. I wanna go there." So Clare responds, "I'm going to Nana Johns." Well at least they know their grandparents names! Ha ha!