Thursday, April 22, 2010


Happiness is a scary word for some! They have all these perameters that come along with it, good or bad. Now recently, I've been a little frustrated and burnt out, so happiness was not at the top of my list. I've also experienced some major tragedies (with families from work) lately. The type of things that put life into perspective. I'm not saying I was depressed or anything but I've had a lot of stuff going on.

Over the last 2 weeks or so I've come the realization that I AM HAPPY! Happiness is simply defined by this: When we are all home around the same time and the day is just beginning to cool down but we're still out back hanging out. The kids playing in the dirt, running laps around the pool and digging in the sandbox. When we are all together, either doing our own thing or playing soccor, racing, etc. I am the happiest I could ever be!

So in other words, THANKS, Sean, Aidan and Clare! I LOVE you all!!!

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