Monday, April 19, 2010

Church Lessons

This weekend I took the kids to mass by myself because Sean worked until late on Saturday night. We went to 8:00 mass since that seems to work the best for us - not too crowded.

Before we even got there I had to do some solid convincing with Aidan. "I don't need to go to church, it's stupid." So I tell him, "I know you don't think you need to go to church but we all need to go to church because that's how we get to know God and Jesus. We are going to church!" Clare, on the other had, just got a new nightgown with the Disney princesses on it and was trying to convince me that she can wear it to church. I told her, "NO way you don't wear pjs to church!" She replied, "But I want to show it to God." Ha ha! She got me there, so we met in the middle and she wore the nightgown under her dress! We then packed up some crayons, coloring books and a couple of guys in our "church bags" and headed out the door at 7:40.

We actually got there with about 8 minutes to spare before mass began. Most of the seats in the back of church are filled or have people in them. I try to get a single row with as few/if not any people in it, that way there's less distractions. That being said, we had to sit in the 2nd row from the front.

We took our seats and the music began. So far so good! They both found these little pieces of paper in the pew that had some sort of questionnaire on it and began to draw with those little golf pencils. Well, by the time the first reading was over they both got ants in their pants. Aidan turns to me during the reading (which I can hardly pay attention to because I'm too busy telling them to both shut their mouths!) and says, "So how does God protect the earth? Does he wear armour?" (they had just read that God protects all the earth) and I say, "Well God doesn't need armour Aidan he's way stronger than that!" "OH!" he says.

All in all they weren't HORRIBLE in mass but they certainly weren't ANGELS either! I'm realizing lately that I need a whole lot of God in my life so like it or not those two are gonna get used to it! And maybe by the time Aidan receives first Holy Communion he'll be able to sit still for an hour in mass!

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