Wednesday, April 28, 2010


They say you don't know a good thing until it's gone. Well in this case it was a great thing and I knew it then and I know it now. I am sad to admit that I (well all my siblings and cousins alike) am left now at the ripe ole age of 35 without any grandparents left in this world. I am certain that they are basking in the glory of Gods wonder up above. But for me down here on earth I find myself from time to time at a loss.

I only knew (personally) 3 out of 4 of my grandparents. My mom's Dad passed when I was only a small baby. I had the gift of getting to know and enjoy both of my grandmothers (Grandma Hartley- Virginia- and Mongie) and my dad's Dad- Pamps. And what a gift that was. I think of them and all my fond memories daily and accept that I can only rely on my memories now. I tell my children and husband of them and their lives and the impact it had on my childhood/young adulthood/family.

There are however, those rare times when I shed a tear, more for myself than them, that they are no longer here with me. Today was one of them. My dad's Dad- Pamps- passed when I was only 5, yet I still have some very vivid memories of my times spent with him. I know alot about him from stories I've been told over the years too. He was an amazing man. My dad tells us, and I remember some of this, that because of his line of work and love for aviation, he could look up in the sky at any plane and tell you what it's make and model was. I remember being in their backyard and him pointing up at the sky as a plane flew over and telling us what it was.

We live in one of the many flight paths to BWI Airport. Tonight, as we were sitting outside, a plane flew over and Aidan said to me, "I really like that plane. What kind of plane is that?" And as I looked up to the sky I realized, I know exactly who could tell you the answer to that! But instead I said, "I'm not sure Aidan. I'll have to find out for you." And silently shed a tear, more for myself- out of selfishness than anything. I know it was more for myself though. I wished my grandpa was here to put my son on his lap and say, "Well Aidan, that's a ..... plane and it was built in .... and flown by..... because I know he would never leave Pamp's side if he were around today.

Lucky for me, Aidan has not 1 but 2 grandpas' that he both admires and adores! I guess I should say, Lucky for him!

The first day of the rest of my life!!!!

Well, well, well, this HAS been a great birthday!

I was greeted this morning by my other look alike who said, "Good Morning Mommy. Happy Birthday."

I had chocolate frosted brownies, not 1 but 2 bags of cheese balls (one of my favs), a bag of tortilla chips, salsa, cheese dip, vanilla cake with white icing, little debbies fudge cookies, a chocolate molten cake, chinese food for lunch, buffalo chicken sammy for dins and TONS of birthday wishes!

All in all, a GREAT way to kick off the next 35!

My family and friends ROCK! I'm one lucky gal.

Now, if I remember correctly, when I was little I used to think that I would look like Barbie when I turned 35. Because that's how old (in my mind) my barbies were when I used to play. So I'm gonna give it the full year to see when the transformation begins!!!!

Here's to big birthday wishes! Thanks to all my favs for making it a memorable one!!!! Can't wait to get to NY in a couple of days to see my Mama, Pops and twinny to make it official!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

35 or Bust

Wednesday, April 28, 2010 I turn (along with my fabulous twin sis) 35! I know some would be afraid of this but I'm super duper psyched!!!! As my twin says the first 35 were GREAT so I know the next 35 will be too!!!

sparkly barn

On our way home we pass this really cute house that sits on 15 acres and there's a horse barn on the property that you can see from the road. It stands out in farm country because the owners painted a huge pink heart on the metal roof of the barn.

Today when we were passing by I noticed that inside it looked like there were a hundred twinkle lights sparkling from inside the barn. Aidan says from the backseat, "Hey Mom, why is the heart farm sparkling?"

I couldn't believe he saw it too!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


Happiness is a scary word for some! They have all these perameters that come along with it, good or bad. Now recently, I've been a little frustrated and burnt out, so happiness was not at the top of my list. I've also experienced some major tragedies (with families from work) lately. The type of things that put life into perspective. I'm not saying I was depressed or anything but I've had a lot of stuff going on.

Over the last 2 weeks or so I've come the realization that I AM HAPPY! Happiness is simply defined by this: When we are all home around the same time and the day is just beginning to cool down but we're still out back hanging out. The kids playing in the dirt, running laps around the pool and digging in the sandbox. When we are all together, either doing our own thing or playing soccor, racing, etc. I am the happiest I could ever be!

So in other words, THANKS, Sean, Aidan and Clare! I LOVE you all!!!

The King and Queen

Last night Sean and I sat down in the kids playroom with them and both kids climbed on my lap. "Tell us a story Mommy!" Aidan says. (Now for over a year I've been "telling stories" about super heroes and princesses in the car) "Okay, I'll tell you a story about a King and Queen." I respond. Aidan says, "And I'm the Knight!" and Clare says, "And I'm the princess."

Here is the story:

Once upon a time there was a beautiful, wonderful Queen named Erin. One day she was walking through the forest and when she came upon an opening there stood a handsome King Sean waiting there. Aidan intervenes, "And the king had a wot of BEER." HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

So Queen Erin and King Sean (who had a wot of beer) fell in love. In their kingdom there was a Knight named Aidan and a Princess named Clare. Princess Clare decided one day that she wanted to become a mermaid so King Sean waved his magic wand and made her a giant pool to swim around in. Aidan says, "And they need a beach." So Queen Erin waved her magic wand and made a beach at the poolside. So the King and Queen looked at their new pool and beach and decided to have a beach party. They summoned Sir Aidan to gather all the knights in the kingdom to get all the beer in the kingdom for the party. And they had a beach party!
~The End~

So today the kids classes went down the dirt road/trial behind the center to clean up trash for Earth Day! Now we've taught them to recycle and turn off lights when they aren't in the room but this was a big group effort so I thought it was a super cool lesson! Aidan comes back and tells me that he did most of the clean up. When I ask what he cleaned up, he says, "a wot of beer bottles and a beer box". Jokingly, I say, "How do you know what beer boxes and bottles look like?" He quickly responds, "Cause we have them at home!" DUH Mom!!!!

Well at least they know who their parents are!!!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Church Lessons

This weekend I took the kids to mass by myself because Sean worked until late on Saturday night. We went to 8:00 mass since that seems to work the best for us - not too crowded.

Before we even got there I had to do some solid convincing with Aidan. "I don't need to go to church, it's stupid." So I tell him, "I know you don't think you need to go to church but we all need to go to church because that's how we get to know God and Jesus. We are going to church!" Clare, on the other had, just got a new nightgown with the Disney princesses on it and was trying to convince me that she can wear it to church. I told her, "NO way you don't wear pjs to church!" She replied, "But I want to show it to God." Ha ha! She got me there, so we met in the middle and she wore the nightgown under her dress! We then packed up some crayons, coloring books and a couple of guys in our "church bags" and headed out the door at 7:40.

We actually got there with about 8 minutes to spare before mass began. Most of the seats in the back of church are filled or have people in them. I try to get a single row with as few/if not any people in it, that way there's less distractions. That being said, we had to sit in the 2nd row from the front.

We took our seats and the music began. So far so good! They both found these little pieces of paper in the pew that had some sort of questionnaire on it and began to draw with those little golf pencils. Well, by the time the first reading was over they both got ants in their pants. Aidan turns to me during the reading (which I can hardly pay attention to because I'm too busy telling them to both shut their mouths!) and says, "So how does God protect the earth? Does he wear armour?" (they had just read that God protects all the earth) and I say, "Well God doesn't need armour Aidan he's way stronger than that!" "OH!" he says.

All in all they weren't HORRIBLE in mass but they certainly weren't ANGELS either! I'm realizing lately that I need a whole lot of God in my life so like it or not those two are gonna get used to it! And maybe by the time Aidan receives first Holy Communion he'll be able to sit still for an hour in mass!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

60 never looked so GOOD!

Today is my Mom's 60th birthday! Here's hoping what they say is true, that you age like you parents do. I gotta tell ya, if I look like my Mom does at 60 when I'm 50 I'll be super psyched! She came down over the weekend for Ellie's birthday party and was rockin her animal print shirt with her capris and her cute haircut!

We called her on our way home this afternoon and the kids were yelling, "Happy Birthday Nana!" Now they want to know when we're going to her birthday party? HA HA!

Love ya, Mama!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Summer in April

Today we got off work early and Sean was home getting ready for his travel days coming up. When we got home we decided to go to the beach! We got there and the kids went straight into the water! WHAT?! 3 years ago when I was prego with Clare and Maureen was about to burst with Bel it SNOWED on Easter Sunday 2 days before Bel was born! Now 2 days after Easter 2010 it is 90+ degrees and we went swimming in the Selby Bay today! LOVE IT!!!!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

A couple of things about Clare

Here's an update on Clare the last week or so....

Tonight Sean went out for a bit and when he got home he made some of our Irish version of Guacamole. Clare helped him make it and then he stood and she sat on the counter and they talked and shared a bowl of guac and chips together. And of course Clare gabbed to him the whole time!

Clare is Ms. Independent! She wants to everything on her own, brush hair, get dressed, climb on the toilet! Great news though... she is POTTY TRAINED! Thanks in NO part to her parents but entirely to her teachers at school!

Clare has an eternal "boo-boo" and is always in need of a band-aid.

She is totally hilarious in the morning when we lay in her bed and talk before the sun rises!

A couple of things about Aidan

A brief update of the last few week or so....

He's been sleeping in his sleeping bag on the floor in his room every night (all night) since last Tuesday. Of course he's got to have his blankie and all his little buddies and super hero books surrounding him! The little buddies consist of: duckie and froggie, Sean's pooh bear from when he was little, a brown monkey puppet, a black gorilla, a brown fuzzy bear and a dinosaur.

His allergies are TERRIBLE this week! Runny nose!!!!

Last week he began to zip his own jacket with NO help! He was very proud of this one! Came home and told me and Sean how he did it.

Tonight we were talking about our "party" tomorrow (the Hughes' and Henzy's are coming over) and I was telling Clare that Momo and Uncle Wade and Bel were coming- "and Bud Bud" she added. And that Mike, Emma, Patrick and Matt Matt were coming with Uncle Tim and Aunt Kerry. I told them that their dogs, Sophie and Casey were coming too. Aidan rolls over to face me and says, " That means this many dogs will be here." As he was holding up 4 fingers... Way to go AIDAN!!! I do believe that was your first addition problem!

Lately he constantly asks me How and Why things happen. How do you make mud? I don't know Aidan how do you think? He then proceeds to explain the entire process to me.