Sunday, February 5, 2012

79th percentile

Who knew that they could measure percentiles in utero. Well my friends, they can! When I was prego with Aidan and Clare my only concern was how big I was getting, not how big the baby was getting. You see, with Aidan I didn't have a clue, so I didn't know to worry about how big of a baby I would potentially have to birth one day, and with Clare I'd already done it once so I knew I could. The only thing I did worry about was how big my butt was getting and how big it would end up being after all the dust settled and the extreme exhaustion of having a newborn set in!

Well, this little Healey who's cooking away in there is a tad on the "larger" side. A bit concerning to my docs I guess, since two of them have mentioned it. At 19 weeks, a normal size baby weighs in at about 5.5 oz, well #3 is already weighing in at a whopping 9 oz. The kicker is that this baby makes me crave more healthy food than junk, I have kept to my normal exercise regimen and this is the thanks I get. The recurring question to this Mommy to be is not "When are you due?" it's "Are you having twins?"

The good news though, this little nugget seems to be healthy and happy floating around in there! Now the only question is if it's a girl or a boy???? (That my friends won't be answered until June.)

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