Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tooth Fairy

We had our first "legit" visit from the Tooth Fairy last night. She's been here once before because Aidan had a tooth pulled last year. Well, this time, he had his first loose tooth. He pointed it out last week and showed Sean and I. Sean tried to pull it out then but it was NOT ready. I walked into the bathroom and Sean has a bunch of floss wrapped around his two fingers, getting ready to wrap it around the tooth and give it a quick tug.

Lucky for Aidan the tooth was stubborn and not ready to get out yet. So on Sunday I checked the tooth because Sean told me to keep an eye on it because he could "swallow it in his sleep." I told him if it didn't fall out by dinner time on Monday I'd help him get it out. Monday afternoon rolled around and Aidan came up to me and said, "I'm ready for you to pull my tooth out."

All it took was one little twist and it was out. SO exciting! Clare found a little velvet bag to put it in under his pillow. He got $3! WOW! I guess this so called "bad economy" isn't affecting the Tooth Fairy.

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