Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wise beyond his years

Happy 6th Birthday to Aidan! If you would have asked me 6 years ago tonight what Aidan would be like when he turned 6, I probably would have replied, "I can't even imagine him 6 months from now!"

Well, let me tell you a little story about my little man. Last Friday night we went out to dinner. Sean and I were tired, the kids were off the wall. Needless to say, it was not a stellar moment for this Healey crew. Sean and I spent the entire meal reprimanding the kids in the restaurant and then screamed at them when we got home. I had a total freak out on Aidan when he came into the bathroom and peed all over the place.

A little while later, I was sitting on the couch between Aidan and Clare, wallowing in my own guilt. Aidan put his hand on me and said, "Mom, you can lay your head on me." (which I did) I turned to him and told him how much I love him.

It occurred to me as I sat in Mass on Sunday morning, (praying hard for patience,as I always do) that my little Aidan is like a Labrador retriever puppy. Although we scream and yell and lose our patience with them, our kids know we will always love them, first and foremost, we will always take care of them, we will always keep them safe. So in the words of my dear friend Lisa, Aidan is an old soul.

Happy 6th Buddy! Thanks for helping me be the best Mom I can be.


  1. Happy Birthday Aidan! Love you!

  2. I remember the day, when he was six months old, sitting on the floor, spinning in a circle. You said you couldn't imagine him one day past 6 months old. Now look where he is, six years old with his 2nd sib on the way. My how the time has flown :)
