Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kindergarten/CCD update

Sometimes I feel like I'm back in elementary school. What with all the paperwork we need to fill out daily, homework we have to monitor, family projects, checks we write to school, programs we need to make sure we're involved in, and on and on! It can be a bit daunting, especially after a long day.

Aidan's class does these class projects: a pumpkin based on a character in a book, a large decorated turkey, an animal diorama and now a class presentation on what he wants to be when he grows up. When we first discussed it Aidan wanted to be an Army guy. Easy enough, I thought. We can go down to the local Army recruiting office and chat up some of the guys there. Contact some family members or friends who are in the army and get some info from them. Well that went out the window quickly when Sean mentioned he should do it on being a cameraman. Just like his dear old Dad. (My response to that was, your idea, your project Daddy-o.) So just to reiterate, I asked Aidan the other night, "We're doing your class career project on being a cameraman right?" Aidan's response was (get a load of this) "No, I want to the be the guy who counts the penguins after they are attacked by a seal or killer whale to see how many are still alive." "WHAT?!"

Turns out he saw some information on the "smart board" at school about this particular scientist position and now it's his future career choice. Interesting, YES, easy to research, NOT REALLY! Needless to say, I've been googling all day today in an effort to figure out how to do this presentation. Luckily, he's been watching these you tube videos with me, otherwise I might be bitter about the whole thing.

In other news, tomorrow is the 100th day of school. The Kindergarten classes are making a trail mix with each child's 100 pieces of some snack contribution. Aidan (of course) picked peanut butter m & m's. So he sat at the table and dutifully made 10 lines of 10 m & m's. As I was putting them in the bag I had to recount them to make sure that my kid wasn't the one who showed up with 99. (My fear was he shoved one in his mouth when I wasn't looking) Well let me tell you what, I should go back to school! It took me 3 tries to count out 100 m & m's, the same ones that Aidan had already counted out- correctly I might add.

A funny side note, the first line on the instruction sent home for the trail mix was "With clean hands, count out 100 pieces." I made Aidan wash his hands but can't remember if I washed mine!

This morning after mass we got the following reports on what the kids did in CCD class. Clare couldn't wait to tell us how she and the other girl in class had to go potty and they got to go in without the teacher! And Aidan showed me how he made fart noises under his armpit in class- "But Mom, all the kids were showing the teachers how they make funny noises with their body parts." GREAT!

Are we Holy or what???

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