Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break

AH! I feel like I'm on Spring Break this week since Aidan is, no mad rush to catch the bus at 7:18am, no homework, no baths... well maybe a couple. He's having a great week and quite frankly, so am I.

Monday he came to the center with Clare and I, then had lacrosse practice. At practice Monday night he got invited to go on a picnic play date to the park Tuesday. So this morning he went to the beach/park with all of his friends and had a blast! They played tag, played on the playground, tossed the lacrosse ball around a little and ate lunch. Tonight the whole family got invited to his friends house for a campfire/outdoor movie. It was so much fun. The kids ran around and cooked smores on the campfire and we got to have some adult time.

Tomorrow night we're having the boys back here after lax practice for a "night time" play date. And maybe a sleepover. I forgot how much fun Spring Break can be! Can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings. Oh, and we have a new swing set in the backyard, thanks to Sean and his Dad. So the kids are super psyched!

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