Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm losing

Control. My mind. My waistline. All of the battles. Any sense of time. My exercise routine. My third meal of the day. My ability to make a decision. The ability to put on my shoes standing up. The ability to roll over in bed comfortably. I feel like my brain is mush and my stomach is squished. And this people, is the reason why some women birth more than one child because they secretly tuck all these little, yet very important, tidbits of information, in the back of their brains. The good news is, that sometime in the near future I'll gain it all back again. I just have to be patient! Just when I think all hope is gone, Aidan lets me know that he's undecided on what he wants to be when he grows up. It's a toss up between "an Army guy" and a "rapper". And Clare decided to rhyme potty words in the car all the way to school one morning. At least I haven't lost the ability to laugh, cause there's still a lot of that going on around here.

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