Monday, March 26, 2012

The one in the middle is the green kangaroo

That's a book from when I was little. I can't even remember anything else about it but the title. We always said Maureen was the middle child in my family because technically she is. Kerry and Me, then her, then Jenny and Mick. So yes, she is the middle of 5 but somewhere along the line, I think around the time someone declared there were more than 2 types of twins, that multiples "don't get included in birth order". So we'd always say the book title was about Maureen.

But I digress, I'm writing about my own "green kangaroo". For years I thought my little Buggie, Clare, was my baby. Now she's my big girl, my (soon to be) middle child. In fact, the poor girl has been given that roll a little early. With all this Aidan kindergarten talk and baby #3 talk, I feel like she doesn't get the spotlight as much as she deserves. Don't get me wrong, she and I spend a great deal of time together and I love it! She talks my ear off and I complain about it but really I LOVE it! I love how she's growing up so much, she makes up her own dances and songs now. She pulls up my shirt sometimes, to "give the baby a kiss." She's starting Irish Step Dancing next month and she can't wait! I just feel like I don't mention her as much lately- here anyway.

Clare is turning into such a beautiful girl, not just my little Buggie anymore. I love to kiss her cheek when she's sleeping because it's so soft and she always says good night back in a little sleepy voice. Her huge blue eyes make me smile. Last night she asked me to put her hair in a bun, when I told her she looked pretty with her hair pulled back she said, "I know cause I look just like you." She's my little buddy, my little sidekick. Secretly, there's a small part of me that would like this baby to be a boy because if it's a girl I won't get all the special time with Clare anymore, she'll spend it with her sister instead.

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