Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A new "table" and some "hazel"

Two cute comments from last night:

Aidan handed me a Lego guy body and two arms. I had my hands full so he rest them on my big ole baby belly. He said, "Wow your belly is so fat now you use if for a table."

Clare was looking through this cooking magazine I have and showed me a picture of a pasta dish. She says, "mom, doesn't this look yummy with the sauce and those yummy leaves. Is that leaves or hazel (basil), you know like we get from the farm?"
Oh and Clare calls "glazed" donuts "blazed" donuts.

Today I love them for their honestly and for making me smile!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hey Jealousy!

As some of you may know I'm 5 1/2 months pregnant with #3- looking like I swallowed a basketball whole, I might add. So I met Maureen at a party last Saturday night. When I walked in she met me at the door. She takes one look at me and says, "Your purse is so cute! I'm so jealous!!" I quickly give her skinny little tush a once over and respond, "I'm wearing elastic waistband jeans and you're jealous of me?!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'll admit it, and I'm not ashamed to, that I take my kids to McDonald's every so often and we all LOVE it. I mean what's not to love, famous fries with unlimited ketchup, free refills at the soda station, a little toy and a newly remodeled indoor playground.

One day I'm going to write a book all about my experiences at the McDonald's playground. I've met some serious characters at my local Mickey D's playground.

Like the lady who told me all about her husband's severe ADHD, what a hard time she had getting pregnant with her only daughter named Autumn (yup, I remember the kids name- occupational hazard) and that they live in Annapolis about a mile past the mall.

Another time I sat next to a grandma, who was there with her grand-daughter, who told me all about how her husband's company lost a lot of his business (snow removal and landscaping) because of "those Mexicans."

The Dad who spilled an entire chocolate milk on himself, flipped out and yelled out loud, "Oh shit!" It probably happened because he was totally ignoring his 18 month old son who just sat and watched his Dad as he played with his blackberry.

The parents or grandparents who tell other people's "big" kids that they need to be careful of their "little" kids or the parents who climb into the playground with their kids for fear the child will be scared or worse stuck in the playground.

The best part is the hand sanitizer dispenser in the playground room, cause ya know since your child just finished a well-balanced meal and their feet aren't sticking to the floor, hand sanitizer is the thing that will save the day! Or the Moms I saw once that brought in their reusable nalgene's filled with water to go with their happy meals.

The Dad behind me today who's perfectly behaved child ate all his apples (which now come standard in a happy meal). Then the kid asks, "When it's time to go will it be naptime?" This kid didn't even whine or ask to go on the germy jungle gym.

Then there's me. I'll pretty much engage anyone in a conversation at the Golden Arches. My kids are usually those kids in the playground screaming, running and playing, laughing- you know pretty much doing what you'd expect kids to do in an indoor, fast food restaurant playground. I do occasionally call them back to the table and reprimand them. "Stop yelling so loud! SLOW down!" I do chase them if they climb up the slide, cause I hate that. Slides weren't named slides because you can climb on them. All the while I sit at the table continually refill my soda and hot mustard dipping sauce and polish off not only my extra value meal but whatever is left of the happy meals I ordered. They. really just want the stinkin toy!

So all in all, I'd highly recommend a trip to the local McDonald's playground it's fun for the whole family!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tooth Fairy

We had our first "legit" visit from the Tooth Fairy last night. She's been here once before because Aidan had a tooth pulled last year. Well, this time, he had his first loose tooth. He pointed it out last week and showed Sean and I. Sean tried to pull it out then but it was NOT ready. I walked into the bathroom and Sean has a bunch of floss wrapped around his two fingers, getting ready to wrap it around the tooth and give it a quick tug.

Lucky for Aidan the tooth was stubborn and not ready to get out yet. So on Sunday I checked the tooth because Sean told me to keep an eye on it because he could "swallow it in his sleep." I told him if it didn't fall out by dinner time on Monday I'd help him get it out. Monday afternoon rolled around and Aidan came up to me and said, "I'm ready for you to pull my tooth out."

All it took was one little twist and it was out. SO exciting! Clare found a little velvet bag to put it in under his pillow. He got $3! WOW! I guess this so called "bad economy" isn't affecting the Tooth Fairy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Laundry Lesson #46

This has been quite a week so far and it's only Tuesday night. It all started Sunday night upon our return home from a super bowl party. Clare barfed all over herself and me, then spiked a fever of 103. It's all down hill from there.

I get up at 5:30 Monday morning with my right eye glued shut. Yup, that's right at the ripe old age of 36, after being in the child care field for almost 8 years I got my first case of pink eye in over 3 decades. U-N-B-E-L-I-E-V-A-B-L-E! I went to the minute clinic and got drops, so we're good to go. I'm not contagious after 1:30 today so I striped all the beds this morning, because I sleep in all of them, and piled the sheet mound high in the hallway to sit tight and wait til I get home. Sean put the sheets in the wash for me this afternoon. I changed them to the dryer when I got home and when I went down to retrieve them later I was greeted by a large ball of intertwined sheets.

I carried it up to the living room and handed it to Sean. "This is what happens when you don't button a duvet cover when you put it in the dryer." His response, "Now I know." We all laughed about the giant sheet ball that took Sean about 10 minutes to unravel!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Kindergarten/CCD update

Sometimes I feel like I'm back in elementary school. What with all the paperwork we need to fill out daily, homework we have to monitor, family projects, checks we write to school, programs we need to make sure we're involved in, and on and on! It can be a bit daunting, especially after a long day.

Aidan's class does these class projects: a pumpkin based on a character in a book, a large decorated turkey, an animal diorama and now a class presentation on what he wants to be when he grows up. When we first discussed it Aidan wanted to be an Army guy. Easy enough, I thought. We can go down to the local Army recruiting office and chat up some of the guys there. Contact some family members or friends who are in the army and get some info from them. Well that went out the window quickly when Sean mentioned he should do it on being a cameraman. Just like his dear old Dad. (My response to that was, your idea, your project Daddy-o.) So just to reiterate, I asked Aidan the other night, "We're doing your class career project on being a cameraman right?" Aidan's response was (get a load of this) "No, I want to the be the guy who counts the penguins after they are attacked by a seal or killer whale to see how many are still alive." "WHAT?!"

Turns out he saw some information on the "smart board" at school about this particular scientist position and now it's his future career choice. Interesting, YES, easy to research, NOT REALLY! Needless to say, I've been googling all day today in an effort to figure out how to do this presentation. Luckily, he's been watching these you tube videos with me, otherwise I might be bitter about the whole thing.

In other news, tomorrow is the 100th day of school. The Kindergarten classes are making a trail mix with each child's 100 pieces of some snack contribution. Aidan (of course) picked peanut butter m & m's. So he sat at the table and dutifully made 10 lines of 10 m & m's. As I was putting them in the bag I had to recount them to make sure that my kid wasn't the one who showed up with 99. (My fear was he shoved one in his mouth when I wasn't looking) Well let me tell you what, I should go back to school! It took me 3 tries to count out 100 m & m's, the same ones that Aidan had already counted out- correctly I might add.

A funny side note, the first line on the instruction sent home for the trail mix was "With clean hands, count out 100 pieces." I made Aidan wash his hands but can't remember if I washed mine!

This morning after mass we got the following reports on what the kids did in CCD class. Clare couldn't wait to tell us how she and the other girl in class had to go potty and they got to go in without the teacher! And Aidan showed me how he made fart noises under his armpit in class- "But Mom, all the kids were showing the teachers how they make funny noises with their body parts." GREAT!

Are we Holy or what???

79th percentile

Who knew that they could measure percentiles in utero. Well my friends, they can! When I was prego with Aidan and Clare my only concern was how big I was getting, not how big the baby was getting. You see, with Aidan I didn't have a clue, so I didn't know to worry about how big of a baby I would potentially have to birth one day, and with Clare I'd already done it once so I knew I could. The only thing I did worry about was how big my butt was getting and how big it would end up being after all the dust settled and the extreme exhaustion of having a newborn set in!

Well, this little Healey who's cooking away in there is a tad on the "larger" side. A bit concerning to my docs I guess, since two of them have mentioned it. At 19 weeks, a normal size baby weighs in at about 5.5 oz, well #3 is already weighing in at a whopping 9 oz. The kicker is that this baby makes me crave more healthy food than junk, I have kept to my normal exercise regimen and this is the thanks I get. The recurring question to this Mommy to be is not "When are you due?" it's "Are you having twins?"

The good news though, this little nugget seems to be healthy and happy floating around in there! Now the only question is if it's a girl or a boy???? (That my friends won't be answered until June.)