Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Spring has Sprung

Well, not exactly! I mean come on it's the coldest day of the season so far and I'm signing up Aidan for lacrosse already. I got an email today "the season begins right around the corner." REALLY?! I think that's a bit extreme, I mean as far as I know there is some sort of rule that the season can't officially begin until March or something. Now don't get me wrong, I'm super, duper psyched for lacrosse to begin. Aidan played last year and although he couldn't really follow what was going on (on or off the field) he had a great time and looked totally adorable in the gear! It was great being at the fields a couple of nights a week, watching the weather change and the days get longer. So I am actually really happy I signed him up on this frigid January night, it will give me some hope that the weather will get warmer.

Now, here is my latest conundrum, Clare wants to do ballet again. She got a cd player for Christmas (yup kickin it old school) for her room and she goes in there, dresses up and dances around. It's great to watch. She is so cute when she dances and I know she loves it. We have been down this ballerina road before. She loved, loved, loved it. But we hit a bump in the road when she was told she had to wear makeup for the recital. That's when Dad and I pulled the plug on the whole operation.

So here's my question to all of you, WHY can't I just find a little park and rec ballet program that lasts for like 3 months (ya know- a season) and that's it. I mean come on people why do I have to commit myself, let alone a 4 year old, to an entire school year of ballet. That's a long time and in my opinion not necessary for all. She really enjoyed soccer this fall so if I can't find a little dance program I'm going to offer up another soccer season instead and hope she bites.

All in all, I think it will be a great Spring. Both kids running around on some freshly cut grass field, with another group of (kind of clueless) kids playing the team sport of choice. All the while, I'm waddling back and forth to the car imagining how I'll do this in 5 years with an 11 year old, 10 year old and 5 year old. I don't know if there are enough days in a week to spread over 3 kids sports. This will be my first season of different sports on different days, or even worse, different sports, same days, different fields.

Another test of my Mom super powers, I'm sure I'll pass with flying colors!!!
(wink, wink, nod, nod)

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