Monday, July 12, 2010

Lakeside Paradise....

We arrived in Swanton, Md, a little town on Deep Creek Lake Friday night. We drove up here in the suburban, trailing a boat (Pat and Mary's) in the pouring rain. Needless to say, I was a little bit freaked out. We have never trailed a boat before, much less one that doesn't belong to us. At one point Sean must have been feeling really comfortable because he was changing lanes in the middle of a down pour, surrounded by tractor trailers, like he was driving a stinkin Mini Cooper! We arrived at the house with literally 8 minutes of day light left, which gave us just enough time to park the boat in the driveway.

We unloaded the car and started to get the house in order. Now this house is HUGE and there are 3 different areas to it so we had to make sure all the doors were accessible and the ac units were turned on. Sean went into the rec room to turn on the lights and check things out, we heard him running back into the kitchen a minute later. He says, "There's a BAT in there!" He had gotten the lights turned on and noticed something fly by him. At first he thought it was a bird but he realized quickly it was a BAT! Needless to say we just shut the door off and stayed away! We figured we could get Connor and Ian to catch it when they got here on Sunday. Fast forward to today (Monday) when the exterminator arrives and tells us that BATS are protected through DNR from March thru September (because they eat like a pound of bugs a night) and he cannot handle it without getting clearance from them. But we are welcome to hang sheets up around the room to guide him to the doorway. Well HELLO Mr. Home Paramount man but this room has 30 foot high ceilings... so good luck with that!

It's kind of funny cause the kids just don't seem to care anymore. They're playing hide and seek in there and video games. Every once in awhile one of them must remember the BAT is in there because the hunt ensues all over again. It literally looks like a little black spot on the ceiling, just hanging there... EWWW!

1 comment:

  1. Eww is right! Even with a bat in the house, I am still jealous of your mountain vacation!
