Monday, July 12, 2010

Crazy Coaster and Catfish Hunter

Saturday morning we got up early, packed a lunch cooler and headed up to Wisp to check things out. It's really beautiful up here, great big clouds in the bright blue sky, cool breezes and NO humidity! When we got to the top of the mountain we found this really cool man-made whitewater rafting park. Of course Aidan was dying to get in the boat and head down the rapids, and so was Sean. We went inside to check it out, you have to be 50 lbs- Aidan is 53 lbs and the price is $75. When Sean asked how long it was they told us 2 hours....WHAT!? Well, we knew Aidan wouldn't last that long so we went walked around the "river" once and headed back to the car. We had a little tailgate lunch before heading back down the mountain.

We found this little adventure sport place that had a rock climbing wall, zip lines, dune buggy type things to rent and this crazy "roller coaster." It was an alpine slide/roller coaster that you control and steer. Sean road with Aidan and I rode with Clare. It's a totally open coaster just this little sled with a brake. It pulls you up to the top like a conveyor belt and then you tug your seat belts and go flying down this metal track in the open air. I was a super nervous wimp so poor Clare got the raw end of the stick. She kept saying, "Why aren't we going as fast as Daddy and Aidan?" My reply, "Um, cause Mommy is a wimp!" All in all it was a fun ride. Maybe next time Clare can ride with Daddy.

When we got back to the house we went down to the dock and the kids were jumping off and swimming. This Mom and her twin boys came out to the dock next to ours, Aidan asked Sean if he could go over and play with them. He swam over and climbed up on their dock and that was it. He was over there for 15 minutes of so before I went over to say hello. He totally ignored me when I got there-surprise, surprise. They were running around in the marsh with this little net and a bucket catching crayfish and baby catfish. They would just whip the net into the mud and come up with a baby catfish inside. It was so cool to see him running around and making friends on his own without us. It was a proud Parent moment for both Sean and I.

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