So one day last week, we are driving to work and Aidan pinches Clare in the backseat. Clare (of course) cries and tattles on him. To which I (the mature mother) respond, "Aidan if you pinch her again, I'm going to pinch you back and believe me I can pinch much harder than you can." Aidan, being the little back- talker he's growing up to be, says, "Oh yeah, well when we get to school, I'll meet you on the playground, cause we're gonna battle."
Me bewildered by this comment (and laughing so hard I want to pee my pants) think to myself, "Have I just been challenged to a Battle Royale by my 4 YEAR OLD SON?" ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Monday, July 26, 2010
I got boobies!!!!
Saturday night Clare was in the bath and I was picking at my face or something stupid in the bathroom. I glance over and she's puffing out her chest. I ask, "Hey, whatcha doin?" She responds, "Look Mom, I got big boobies! See!" She's obsessed with boobies and has been for awhile. I figure between the Healey blood and the McDonough blood the girls got a 50/50 chance of gettin a decent set of her own. Although, she's a bit on the petite side right now so hopefully if she does get them they won't be too big!
Sunday, July 18, 2010
The 3 Amigos
hot dog, hot dog, hot diggity dog
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Summers Best 2 weeks
Well, really summers best 1 week...while we are on vacation at Deep Creek, my beloved Saddie dog is living the life of luxury at her own personal doggie hotel. As we speak she's probably curled up in her own bed with a full tummy of yummo treats provided by her surogate parents... Maureen and Wade, along side her bff/cousin Magoo! I know Ellie girl is petting her frequently and loving her often, as she feasts her eyes and mouth on a variety of deliously peanut butter covered treats and human food! Saddie is totally going to SNUB me when I get home, but it's well deserved!!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
BAT update
So the exterminator came out the the mountain house today. Do you know that we not only have ONE BAT but we have a small COLONY (20 or so) of them living in this house. Evidently, there was a pile of their "droppings" under the bed in this portion on the house which is up in the loft area. He said we should keep the kids out of the loft because of disease! YIKES!!! Good thing this place rocks but it's super cheap to rent for a week so I don't feel too slighted and at least they are not in the whole house!
Birthday Princess
Sunday, July 11, 2010 Clare Marie Healey turned 3! She had a princess party at the mountain house, we went to Art in the Park at Deep Creek State Park, swam in the lake, opened up a bunch of presents and had a pink circle cake. All day (except for when she had on her tutu bathing suit) she wore a big puffy polka dot birthday dress with a crown and everyone in the park commented on the "princess being there."
Here are some things about Clare:
I call her "Buggy" because I used to call her my little doodle bug when she was a tiny baby. At night now when I lay in bed with her she says, "Okay, tonight you can be Buggy and I'll be Mommy."
When Clare came home from the hospital she wore a flowered onsie with ruffles on the butt. And she still loves girly things.
She loves to sing and dance and dress like a princess everyday.
She told me the other day in the car (as she was playing with a littlest pet shop peacock) "look Mommy, she can fwap her wings or she can fwap her butt."
She "hides" from me under the covers, behind the curtains and just by covering her eyes.
To me, she is the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. She's got blond tips on her eye lashes.
She never stops talking, EVER... I've even heard her talk in her sleep.
Here are some things about Clare:
I call her "Buggy" because I used to call her my little doodle bug when she was a tiny baby. At night now when I lay in bed with her she says, "Okay, tonight you can be Buggy and I'll be Mommy."
When Clare came home from the hospital she wore a flowered onsie with ruffles on the butt. And she still loves girly things.
She loves to sing and dance and dress like a princess everyday.
She told me the other day in the car (as she was playing with a littlest pet shop peacock) "look Mommy, she can fwap her wings or she can fwap her butt."
She "hides" from me under the covers, behind the curtains and just by covering her eyes.
To me, she is the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen. She's got blond tips on her eye lashes.
She never stops talking, EVER... I've even heard her talk in her sleep.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Crazy Coaster and Catfish Hunter
Saturday morning we got up early, packed a lunch cooler and headed up to Wisp to check things out. It's really beautiful up here, great big clouds in the bright blue sky, cool breezes and NO humidity! When we got to the top of the mountain we found this really cool man-made whitewater rafting park. Of course Aidan was dying to get in the boat and head down the rapids, and so was Sean. We went inside to check it out, you have to be 50 lbs- Aidan is 53 lbs and the price is $75. When Sean asked how long it was they told us 2 hours....WHAT!? Well, we knew Aidan wouldn't last that long so we went walked around the "river" once and headed back to the car. We had a little tailgate lunch before heading back down the mountain.
We found this little adventure sport place that had a rock climbing wall, zip lines, dune buggy type things to rent and this crazy "roller coaster." It was an alpine slide/roller coaster that you control and steer. Sean road with Aidan and I rode with Clare. It's a totally open coaster just this little sled with a brake. It pulls you up to the top like a conveyor belt and then you tug your seat belts and go flying down this metal track in the open air. I was a super nervous wimp so poor Clare got the raw end of the stick. She kept saying, "Why aren't we going as fast as Daddy and Aidan?" My reply, "Um, cause Mommy is a wimp!" All in all it was a fun ride. Maybe next time Clare can ride with Daddy.
When we got back to the house we went down to the dock and the kids were jumping off and swimming. This Mom and her twin boys came out to the dock next to ours, Aidan asked Sean if he could go over and play with them. He swam over and climbed up on their dock and that was it. He was over there for 15 minutes of so before I went over to say hello. He totally ignored me when I got there-surprise, surprise. They were running around in the marsh with this little net and a bucket catching crayfish and baby catfish. They would just whip the net into the mud and come up with a baby catfish inside. It was so cool to see him running around and making friends on his own without us. It was a proud Parent moment for both Sean and I.
We found this little adventure sport place that had a rock climbing wall, zip lines, dune buggy type things to rent and this crazy "roller coaster." It was an alpine slide/roller coaster that you control and steer. Sean road with Aidan and I rode with Clare. It's a totally open coaster just this little sled with a brake. It pulls you up to the top like a conveyor belt and then you tug your seat belts and go flying down this metal track in the open air. I was a super nervous wimp so poor Clare got the raw end of the stick. She kept saying, "Why aren't we going as fast as Daddy and Aidan?" My reply, "Um, cause Mommy is a wimp!" All in all it was a fun ride. Maybe next time Clare can ride with Daddy.
When we got back to the house we went down to the dock and the kids were jumping off and swimming. This Mom and her twin boys came out to the dock next to ours, Aidan asked Sean if he could go over and play with them. He swam over and climbed up on their dock and that was it. He was over there for 15 minutes of so before I went over to say hello. He totally ignored me when I got there-surprise, surprise. They were running around in the marsh with this little net and a bucket catching crayfish and baby catfish. They would just whip the net into the mud and come up with a baby catfish inside. It was so cool to see him running around and making friends on his own without us. It was a proud Parent moment for both Sean and I.
Lakeside Paradise....
We arrived in Swanton, Md, a little town on Deep Creek Lake Friday night. We drove up here in the suburban, trailing a boat (Pat and Mary's) in the pouring rain. Needless to say, I was a little bit freaked out. We have never trailed a boat before, much less one that doesn't belong to us. At one point Sean must have been feeling really comfortable because he was changing lanes in the middle of a down pour, surrounded by tractor trailers, like he was driving a stinkin Mini Cooper! We arrived at the house with literally 8 minutes of day light left, which gave us just enough time to park the boat in the driveway.
We unloaded the car and started to get the house in order. Now this house is HUGE and there are 3 different areas to it so we had to make sure all the doors were accessible and the ac units were turned on. Sean went into the rec room to turn on the lights and check things out, we heard him running back into the kitchen a minute later. He says, "There's a BAT in there!" He had gotten the lights turned on and noticed something fly by him. At first he thought it was a bird but he realized quickly it was a BAT! Needless to say we just shut the door off and stayed away! We figured we could get Connor and Ian to catch it when they got here on Sunday. Fast forward to today (Monday) when the exterminator arrives and tells us that BATS are protected through DNR from March thru September (because they eat like a pound of bugs a night) and he cannot handle it without getting clearance from them. But we are welcome to hang sheets up around the room to guide him to the doorway. Well HELLO Mr. Home Paramount man but this room has 30 foot high ceilings... so good luck with that!
It's kind of funny cause the kids just don't seem to care anymore. They're playing hide and seek in there and video games. Every once in awhile one of them must remember the BAT is in there because the hunt ensues all over again. It literally looks like a little black spot on the ceiling, just hanging there... EWWW!
We unloaded the car and started to get the house in order. Now this house is HUGE and there are 3 different areas to it so we had to make sure all the doors were accessible and the ac units were turned on. Sean went into the rec room to turn on the lights and check things out, we heard him running back into the kitchen a minute later. He says, "There's a BAT in there!" He had gotten the lights turned on and noticed something fly by him. At first he thought it was a bird but he realized quickly it was a BAT! Needless to say we just shut the door off and stayed away! We figured we could get Connor and Ian to catch it when they got here on Sunday. Fast forward to today (Monday) when the exterminator arrives and tells us that BATS are protected through DNR from March thru September (because they eat like a pound of bugs a night) and he cannot handle it without getting clearance from them. But we are welcome to hang sheets up around the room to guide him to the doorway. Well HELLO Mr. Home Paramount man but this room has 30 foot high ceilings... so good luck with that!
It's kind of funny cause the kids just don't seem to care anymore. They're playing hide and seek in there and video games. Every once in awhile one of them must remember the BAT is in there because the hunt ensues all over again. It literally looks like a little black spot on the ceiling, just hanging there... EWWW!
Monday, July 5, 2010
What's IN for Summer 2010?

I was going to do an In and Out list, but in an effort to keep things positive here I eliminated the OUT part. Plus with Aidan and Clare nothing is ever really completeley OUT.
So here's a list of what's IN for Summer 2010:
ice cream cones with tons of sprinkles
ice cream cones with tons of sprinkles
silly bands
swimming on their own without life jackets
the sand box
dresses for Clare- "shorts are for boys only"
CARS (from the movie)
tea parties
lincoln logs- we have a whole cowboy village
"not cooked" hot dogs (on the grill he means)
4th of July Weekend
Here are some highlights:
We spent most of the weekend away from home.
Friday: Dinner at the Cooks house, yummy lasagna, the Brookmans showed up, the kids danced like crazy on the deck and there were some pretty cool fireworks Jeff got from PA.
Saturday: Selby Beach for some fun in the sun. Kids swam forever in the bay. We built sand castles, played on the playground, ate sandy hot dogs, and saw tons of awesome fireworks all around us as our 4 families were the last ones on the beach at 10:30 that night. The kids raced up and down the beach a hundred times and the dads raced to the swim platform and back, all in the dark. (that was the last event of the night- Sean won though!)
Sunday: We went down to Pat and Mary's house for a family fun day. The kids swam all day again and loved the diving rock! Aidan went on the boat and went tubing with Sean. We had tons of delicious food, I mean TONS. If you can grill it, it was on the table there. And it was all YUMMO! Right down to the fancy cake Mary made with the American Flag made out of fruit on top.
Monday: Totally exhausted! Only left the house to take Aidan to Night Time Peds to find out he's got strep throat AGAIN! Ugh! Well at least he likes a party too much to give into the pain!
Next stop... Deep Creek Lake! We leave Friday!
We spent most of the weekend away from home.
Friday: Dinner at the Cooks house, yummy lasagna, the Brookmans showed up, the kids danced like crazy on the deck and there were some pretty cool fireworks Jeff got from PA.
Saturday: Selby Beach for some fun in the sun. Kids swam forever in the bay. We built sand castles, played on the playground, ate sandy hot dogs, and saw tons of awesome fireworks all around us as our 4 families were the last ones on the beach at 10:30 that night. The kids raced up and down the beach a hundred times and the dads raced to the swim platform and back, all in the dark. (that was the last event of the night- Sean won though!)
Sunday: We went down to Pat and Mary's house for a family fun day. The kids swam all day again and loved the diving rock! Aidan went on the boat and went tubing with Sean. We had tons of delicious food, I mean TONS. If you can grill it, it was on the table there. And it was all YUMMO! Right down to the fancy cake Mary made with the American Flag made out of fruit on top.
Monday: Totally exhausted! Only left the house to take Aidan to Night Time Peds to find out he's got strep throat AGAIN! Ugh! Well at least he likes a party too much to give into the pain!
Next stop... Deep Creek Lake! We leave Friday!
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