Wednesday, April 25, 2012

I'm losing

Control. My mind. My waistline. All of the battles. Any sense of time. My exercise routine. My third meal of the day. My ability to make a decision. The ability to put on my shoes standing up. The ability to roll over in bed comfortably. I feel like my brain is mush and my stomach is squished. And this people, is the reason why some women birth more than one child because they secretly tuck all these little, yet very important, tidbits of information, in the back of their brains. The good news is, that sometime in the near future I'll gain it all back again. I just have to be patient! Just when I think all hope is gone, Aidan lets me know that he's undecided on what he wants to be when he grows up. It's a toss up between "an Army guy" and a "rapper". And Clare decided to rhyme potty words in the car all the way to school one morning. At least I haven't lost the ability to laugh, cause there's still a lot of that going on around here.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Irish Dance

This week Clare had her first Irish Dance class. She was in HEAVEN! She kept looking over at me during the practice smiling and waving as she skipped around the floor. It's a small school that meets once a week for the next 10 weeks. Perfect timing. We'll get in a quick starter course before #3 arrives and then start up for good in the Fall. (That way she'll be able to do some small competitions by next St. Paddys day.)

Oh yes, in the Fall when she starts kindergarten and wants to play soccer, Aidan wants to play soccer too and possibly football, and #3 will be about 3-4 months old bopping around in a stroller, bottle shoved in his/her mouth at any given field in Edgewater. But hey, I'm partially insane already, right!? I've seen lots of Moms do this. They have cars full of half eaten bowls of mac n' cheese, semi-dirty sport uniforms, random pairs of cleats and pads, half eaten apple cores, bags of snacks, and baby toys. I can do it. I'm up for the challenge, and honestly, I LOVE IT.

Things have been pretty easy thus far in the sport schedule world. Last Spring, Lacrosse was Monday and Wednesday and Dance was Saturday. In the Fall, they both played soccer at the same field at pretty much the same time. But, I should have known my luck would run out! I just found out next week we have our first scheduling conflict. Aidan plays Lax on Monday and Wednesday again this Spring and Clare dances on Thursdays, well Aidan has pictures for lacrosse this Thursday in one place and Clare has dance 15 minutes away at the same time! AH!!! Because of Sean's crazy schedule I can't rely on him until the last minute. Don't get me wrong he's willing to share the running around but he doesn't usually know his schedule until the day of. So I have to obsess about how I'll be in 2 places at once until he can confirm. I often would see my sister Kerry running her 4 kids to different places at the same time and think, "How does she do that??" She finally told me the secret, ask for help. So I guess I'm going to have to see if I can leave Aidan with a friend at pictures in order to not abandon Clare at dance.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Aidan got his first lacrosse goal tonight! It was so awesome! He scored and then turned around and looked right at us with a giant smile on his face! We are super proud of the lil' man! He's been hustling his butt off on the field this year and it's paying off.

The coach told Sean and I last week that he was going to be the team's savior this year. Did I mention their team nickname is "bad news bears." But hey, we'll take it. He loves doing the faceoffs too! He looks like a little tough guy in all his gear.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Spring Break

AH! I feel like I'm on Spring Break this week since Aidan is, no mad rush to catch the bus at 7:18am, no homework, no baths... well maybe a couple. He's having a great week and quite frankly, so am I.

Monday he came to the center with Clare and I, then had lacrosse practice. At practice Monday night he got invited to go on a picnic play date to the park Tuesday. So this morning he went to the beach/park with all of his friends and had a blast! They played tag, played on the playground, tossed the lacrosse ball around a little and ate lunch. Tonight the whole family got invited to his friends house for a campfire/outdoor movie. It was so much fun. The kids ran around and cooked smores on the campfire and we got to have some adult time.

Tomorrow night we're having the boys back here after lax practice for a "night time" play date. And maybe a sleepover. I forgot how much fun Spring Break can be! Can't wait to see what the rest of the week brings. Oh, and we have a new swing set in the backyard, thanks to Sean and his Dad. So the kids are super psyched!