Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wise beyond his years

Happy 6th Birthday to Aidan! If you would have asked me 6 years ago tonight what Aidan would be like when he turned 6, I probably would have replied, "I can't even imagine him 6 months from now!"

Well, let me tell you a little story about my little man. Last Friday night we went out to dinner. Sean and I were tired, the kids were off the wall. Needless to say, it was not a stellar moment for this Healey crew. Sean and I spent the entire meal reprimanding the kids in the restaurant and then screamed at them when we got home. I had a total freak out on Aidan when he came into the bathroom and peed all over the place.

A little while later, I was sitting on the couch between Aidan and Clare, wallowing in my own guilt. Aidan put his hand on me and said, "Mom, you can lay your head on me." (which I did) I turned to him and told him how much I love him.

It occurred to me as I sat in Mass on Sunday morning, (praying hard for patience,as I always do) that my little Aidan is like a Labrador retriever puppy. Although we scream and yell and lose our patience with them, our kids know we will always love them, first and foremost, we will always take care of them, we will always keep them safe. So in the words of my dear friend Lisa, Aidan is an old soul.

Happy 6th Buddy! Thanks for helping me be the best Mom I can be.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

the gift of peace

And quiet that is!

Sean took Aidan and Clare into DC on Monday to go see the Spy Museum. It was MLK day, so we were all home. I wasn't feeling too great that morning when I woke up so Sean said he'd take them in to the city and I could stay home and rest.

It was so nice (I have to admit) to just sit on the couch and watch all the cooking shows and diy shows my little heart desired.

Thanks Sean for a peacefully quiet morning. You're the best!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

What's in your wallet?

Or in my case PURSE! I don't think good ole Capital One would really want to know the answer to that question. Maureen and I gave my Mom a gift card for Christmas because she wanted to buy herself a new purse. She emailed us last night to tell us (brag)she got a new fancy black leather purse. (To which I was jealous!)

I began to take stock in what's really in my purse. First of all I dream of the day that I'll be able to carry a smaller purse, maybe even a pretty semi over priced, designer one at that. But for now I tote around any random ginormous size bag I can get my hands on, sometimes even two.

Inside the bag, well that's a whole other story. The one I'm currently carrying (a green cord messenger bag with my monogram on the bottom corner) has at least 7 crumpled up napkins from the latest "to go" restaurant or coffee shop I've been to with the 2 wee bobbins. It also houses a ziploc bag full of broken and semi used crayons collected from several restaurants, one Hello Kitty and one Zooble, both from Happy Meals. A really pretty, kind of expensive J.Crew bracelet that Sean gave me for Christmas 2 years ago and a fake diamond necklace. An empty gum pack, 2 chocolate ball wrappers from Christmas Eve Mass (bribery for Aidan), a pair of eye glasses I think I'm supposed to wear, sunglasses that I always wear, a pair of Clare's underwear - just in case, 2 granola bars too. I did have a wireless mouse in the there from Sean that I gave to his Dad just the other day. Oh and there's a pouch in it (that matches the purse) that I carry around with my check book, pens, flossers, and 2 tampons - which I won't need or use in the next 7 months or so. There's a strange sand-like substance that gets mixed in with the change in the bottom- not quite sure where it comes from or what it is.

All in all I tote around a whole purse full o' crap on a daily basis. The kicker is it's only going to get more crap added to it come June when #3 arrives. Maybe I'll just start carrying an additional bag for baby. Who knows, I used to squeeze an entire change of clothes for each kid and a pull up in this current bag and zip it in the pocket.

No wonder my back hurts sometimes!!!!!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

A Shout Out

I have a special shout out tonight to a wonderfully handsome, extremely talented sports fanatic. My incredibly smart, studious, hard working husband just smoked his older brother in his FANTASY FOOTBALL SUPER BOWL! In the league that wouldn't deem him worthy for several years, he's now on top people. There's even a trophy too!!!

(photo to follow)

I am not, and never claimed to be a fan of fantasy football. This blog post is a simple act of love and kindness for a great guy who puts up with a lot of "stuff" from me!

Spring has Sprung

Well, not exactly! I mean come on it's the coldest day of the season so far and I'm signing up Aidan for lacrosse already. I got an email today "the season begins right around the corner." REALLY?! I think that's a bit extreme, I mean as far as I know there is some sort of rule that the season can't officially begin until March or something. Now don't get me wrong, I'm super, duper psyched for lacrosse to begin. Aidan played last year and although he couldn't really follow what was going on (on or off the field) he had a great time and looked totally adorable in the gear! It was great being at the fields a couple of nights a week, watching the weather change and the days get longer. So I am actually really happy I signed him up on this frigid January night, it will give me some hope that the weather will get warmer.

Now, here is my latest conundrum, Clare wants to do ballet again. She got a cd player for Christmas (yup kickin it old school) for her room and she goes in there, dresses up and dances around. It's great to watch. She is so cute when she dances and I know she loves it. We have been down this ballerina road before. She loved, loved, loved it. But we hit a bump in the road when she was told she had to wear makeup for the recital. That's when Dad and I pulled the plug on the whole operation.

So here's my question to all of you, WHY can't I just find a little park and rec ballet program that lasts for like 3 months (ya know- a season) and that's it. I mean come on people why do I have to commit myself, let alone a 4 year old, to an entire school year of ballet. That's a long time and in my opinion not necessary for all. She really enjoyed soccer this fall so if I can't find a little dance program I'm going to offer up another soccer season instead and hope she bites.

All in all, I think it will be a great Spring. Both kids running around on some freshly cut grass field, with another group of (kind of clueless) kids playing the team sport of choice. All the while, I'm waddling back and forth to the car imagining how I'll do this in 5 years with an 11 year old, 10 year old and 5 year old. I don't know if there are enough days in a week to spread over 3 kids sports. This will be my first season of different sports on different days, or even worse, different sports, same days, different fields.

Another test of my Mom super powers, I'm sure I'll pass with flying colors!!!
(wink, wink, nod, nod)