Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Card AHHHH!!!

Every year as the Christmas cards start arriving in our mailbox, I am stricken with another round of guilt. I wish I were one of these prepared people I so strive to be. The ones who take pictures of their beautiful children with no food on their face in adorable little outfits that look so "un"posed but posed at the same time.

Oh and I am also envious of those who dedicate enough time to catalog all the great times they had all year. I know those big milestones are floating around someplace in this mush ball I call a brain.

I am jealous, what can I say. Green isn't my favorite color for no reason people!

So I'm going to do it this year! Below you will find the Christmas card I would send out this year if today wasn't already December 12.

We had a fantastic year here in the Healey household!

Sean had another successful year with his business. He works so hard all the time and we couldn't be more proud of him. He traveled to Iowa to the State Fair and actually saw people eating deep fried sticks of butter. He got stuck on a plane next to Newt Gingrich. He traveled back to Haiti for Catholic Relief Services to make another documentary on the improvements they have made there. He has also been busy in his personal life as well. Sean took a huge step this year for himself and our family and completed the RCIA class to become Catholic. What a wonderfully emotional experience that was for both of us. He also competed in not 1 but 2 triathlons. The first one I competed with him and the second one I got to be the cheerleader. Words can't explain how awesome it was for us to cross the finish line holding hands after swimming, biking and running together. Simply amazing!

Aidan turned 5 this year. He got a new set of "superhero teeth". (because his God given ones were a MESS!) He played his first season of lacrosse in the spring. He graduated from preschool. Aidan spent the entire summer underwater in the deep end of the pool fishing for things we'd toss in for him. I swear that boy is part fish. This fall he started Kindergarten, played soccer (and was pretty darn good at it) and got his finger run over by a shopping cart that his mother was driving. (YIKES!) He's also totally into legos now. It seems like he's grown up 10 years in the last couple of months. He comes up to my shoulder and weighs about 65 lbs, but I can still carry him up to bed if he falls asleep on the couch.

Clare turned 4 this year. She took ballet/tap classes til May. She learned to swim on her own without a life jacket or swimmies and she too became a little fish! We could hardly peel them out of the pool this summer. Clare started in the "Bears" class at Noah's Ark and played soccer this fall. She's got an attitude a mile long with Sean and I but when it comes to other people all we ever get is compliments on how sweet she is. She's totally into everything, art, glitter, fashion, baby dolls, barbies, books, you name it!

As for me, well I've had a busy year too. I got a promotion and I'm actually loving it. I do miss being in the classroom with the kids but it's nice to be able to help the staff and feel productive in other ways. I ran a couple of fun races, a 10k in February with my nephew Connor (he beat me but I only finished a few minutes later), a 10 miler with Maureen on a beautiful country course here in Edgewater, and another 10 miler with my pals Maureen and Kel in Baltimore (which in my opinion is the best town to run a race in). All super fun events but the best was the triathlon Sean and I did in Harrisburg, PA. Then I went into semi-retirement. I still haven't raced since July and I have to say I miss it a bit. I'll get back on the circuit. But for now I'm in resting/nesting mode! We're having a BABY in June 2012! We're very excited to meet Healey #3.

So there's my Christmas card letter I would write on really pretty paper and if I had some extra cash I would've ordered these really cute cards from this website that said "LAUGHING ALL THE WAY" and I would've used the above pictures to prove it!

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