Friday, July 13, 2012

3 Kids, a Queen and the Force Field

Sean was out of town for work one night, his Mom came up to stay with us since it was the first time since Finn was born. Which was nice because I got to have some adult company.

When it was time for bed Aidan asked if we could all sleep in the same bed, OF COURSE! You see when Sean goes out of town overnight I always put the kids in bed with me. It just feels better to me to have the as close as possible, plus I feel like when we're all together I can pull my force field over everyone at once. So that night we got into bed- Clare got on my side, Aidan got on Sean's side (we actually started Finn out in the playpen at the end of the bed) and I laid at the bottom of the bed so I could hear Finn better (and had more room).

By morning, Finn was laying in my arms at the bottom of the bed while Clare and Aidan resembled somewhat of a pretzel at the head. As I laid there in my old lumpy queen size bed surrounded by 3 of my favorite people I smiled thinking about how lucky I am.

1 comment:

  1. Jack Johnson sings a song called "banana pancakes" and my favorite line is "'s so easy when the whole world fits inside of your arms..."

    you're a lucky girl!
