Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The truth about me...

Through the eyes of my children.

In preschool, both Aidan and Clare made me books for Mother's Day that are all about ME. Well let me tell you, they nailed it. My achievements are great and my accomplishments many.

According to Aidan, "I'm very great and fun and cool." And Clare says, "I'm very grown up." Read between the lines people, that makes me a very well rounded individual. When asked what I dislike, Aidan said trout and Clare said cats. Both true, sort of. I don't actually know that I've ever tried trout but I definitely dislike cats. Both agree that I am 5 years old (pretty accurate at times), I like all foods (so I am good at hiding my disgust at some foods in their presence) and that my favorite color is green (totally).

Aidan says I'm funny when I "tickle him" and Clare says I am when I "call her chicken and when I'm silly about trees." Aidan's favorite thing to do with me is go to Sam's Market on his scooter and Clare's is painting and drawing and riding to school.

I love the books for so many reasons, mainly because they made them and are so proud of them. I also love them because they make me laugh and that's one thing we do well around here!

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