Monday, July 25, 2011

Animal Kingdom

My Mother was right, "You know there's never just one."

That was her comment on the phone the other night when I told her about waging war on the mouse who had recently taken up residence under my kitchen sink.

Not only did we catch on Thursday night under the sink but we caught his relative in the pantry on Friday night. VICTORY IS OURS! The traps have been clear the last 2 mornings so I'm cautiously optimistic.

Yesterday Momo, Wade, Ellie and Magoo came over to swim and hang out for the day. As we were all getting ready for the pool I noticed a SNAKE swimming across the deep end and right into the skimmer. GREAT! Where was this guy 2 days ago when I needed him to take care of my mouse problem?! Well luckily we saw it and the Dad's took care of the dirty work- I'll spare you the details. (Let's just say it involved a hoe and a pair of kitchen scissors.)

Geez Louise, we're like a regular Animal Kingdom around here. Maybe the snake overheard me telling someone I was going to get Aidan one...Hmmm

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