Monday, February 7, 2011

Maybe just a little

Anal retentive that is.

I'm not an overly organized person in any area of my life. In fact most of the time I struggle to be just a little organized. I try very hard to keep things in their perspective places. You know, ipod charger in the same spot, all the pens together in the junk drawer, the tupperware stacked neatly. I'm pretty good about 55% of the time, the other 45% I let stuff go, a little too long sometimes.

There are 2 things I am organized/anal about: making the beds and putting my groceries on the belt. Every morning, no matter how late I am running, I make sure all 3 beds are made before I leave the house. In my mind, it doesn't matter what the state of the room is like as long as the bed is neatly made. At the grocery store I make sure all the like items are together on the belt before they are rung up. It makes me feel like there is some order in my life. It somehow softens the blow that I receive when the check out person gives me the grand total of my usually gigantic grocery bill.

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